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motivational interviewing
Anshel MH, Kang M. Effectiveness of motivational interviewing on changes in fitness, blood lipids, and exercise adherence of police officers: An outcome-based action study. Journal of Correctional Health Care [Internet]. 2008 [cited 1];14:48-62. Available from:
Schmaling KB, Blume AW, Afari N. A randomized controlled pilot study of motivational interviewing to change attitudes about adherence to medications for asthma. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings [Internet]. 2001 [cited *1];8:167-172. Available from:
Moyers TB. History and happenstance: How motivational interviewing got its start. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2004 ;18:291-298. Available from: 10.1891/jcop.
LaBrie JW, Thompson AD, Huchting K, Lac A, Buckley K. A group motivational interviewing intervention reduces drinking and alcohol-related negative consequences in adjudicated college women. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2];32:2549-2562. Available from:
Fisk D, Sells D, Rowe M. Sober housing and motivational interviewing: The treatment access project. Journal of Primary Prevention [Internet]. 2007 [cited 1];28:281-293. Available from:
Conti J. Group motivational interviewing: Evaluation of a manualized program for clients mandated to substance abuse treatment. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. 2007 [cited 2].
Befort CA, Nollen N, Ellerbeck EF, Sullivan DK, Thomas JL, Ahluwalia JS. Motivational interviewing fails to improve outcomes of a behavioral weight loss program for obese African American women: A pilot randomized trial. Journal of Behavioral Medicine [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];31:367-377. Available from:
Taylor RI. Pharmacotherapy treatment adherence in patients with bipolar I disorder: Can motivational interviewing strategies make a difference?. [Internet]. 2004 [cited 1]. Available from:
Pignol AM. Effects of motivational interviewing on levels of physical activity in older adults. [Internet]. 2009 [cited *3]. Available from:
Matheron I, Léonard T, Bonneval G. [Motivational interviewing and group discussions for the treatment of patients with resistant anorexia nervosa]. Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive [Internet]. 2002 [cited 2];12:122-130. Available from:
Harper R, Hardy S. An evaluation of motivational interviewing as a method of intervention with clients in a probation setting. British Journal of Social Work [Internet]. 2000 [cited *1];30:393-400. Available from: 10.1093/bjsw/30.3.393
Bugelli T, Crowther TR. Motivational interviewing and the older population in psychiatry. Psychiatric Bulletin [Internet]. 2008 ;32:23-25. Available from:
Campbell SD, Adamson SJ, Carter JD. Client language during motivational enhancement therapy and alcohol use outcome. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2010 ;38:399-415. Available from:
Arkowitz H, Westra HA, Miller WR, Rollnick S. Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems. (Rollnick S, Miller WR). New York: Guilford Press; 2008. Available from:
Simpson HB, Zuckoff A, Page JR, Franklin ME, Foa EB. Adding motivational interviewing to exposure and ritual prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder: An open pilot trial. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy [Internet]. 2008 [cited 1];37:38-49. Available from:
Musser PH, Semiatin JN, Taft CT, Murphy CM. Motivational interviewing as a pregroup intervention for partner-violent men. Violence and Victims [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];23:539-557. Available from:
Lewis SW, Tarrier N, Drake RJ. Integrating non-drug treatments in early schizophrenia. British Journal of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2005 ;187:s65-s71. Available from:
Gatchel RJ. Motivation issues. In: Gatchel RJ Clinical essentials of pain management. Clinical essentials of pain management. Washington DC: American Psychological Association; 2005. pp. 175-196. Available from: 10.1037/10856-007
D'Angelo MS. A comparative study of motivational interviewing and traditional treatment approach on movement along stages of change, treatment completion, compliance with aftercare plan, and length of abstinence. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. 2006 [cited *1];Unpublished doctoral dissertation.
Berman AH, Forsberg L, Durbeej N, Källmén H, Hermansson U. Single-session motivational interviewing for drug detoxification inpatients: Effects on self-efficacy, stages of change and substance use. Substance Use and Misuse [Internet]. 2010 [cited *1];45:384-402. Available from:
Treasure J, Schmidt U. Motivational interviewing in the management of eating disorders. In: Arkowitz H, Westra HA, Miller WR, Rollnick S Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems. Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems. New York, NY: Guilford Press; 2008. pp. 194-224. Available from:
Rasmussen LA, Hughes MJ, Murray CA. Applying motivational interviewing in a domestic violence shelter: A pilot study evaluating the training of shelter staff. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];17:296-317. Available from:
Merlo LJ, Storch EA, Lehmkuhl HD, Jacob ML, Murphy TK, Goodman WK, Geffken GR. Cognitive behavioral therapy plus motivational interviewing improves outcome for pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: A preliminary study. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy [Internet]. 2010 [cited *1];39:24-27. Available from:
Heffner JL, Tran GQ, Johnson CS, Barrett SW, Blom TJ, Thompson RD, Anthenelli RM. Combining motivational interviewing with compliance enhancement therapy (MI-CET): Development and preliminary evaluation of a new, manual-guided psychosocial adjunct to alcohol-dependence pharmacotherapy. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1];71:61-70. Available from:
Carroll KM, Martino S, Ball SA, Nich C, Frankforter T, Anez LM, Paris M, Suarez-Morales L, Szapocznik J, Miller WR, et al. A multisite randomized effectiveness trial of motivational enhancement therapy for Spanish-speaking substance users. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];77:993-999. Available from:


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