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Kreman R, Yates BC, Agrawal S, Fiandt K, Briner W, Shurmur S. The effects of motivational interviewing on physiological outcomes. Applied Nursing Research [Internet]. 2006 [cited *3];19:167-170. Available from:
Scott CK, Dennis ML. Results from two randomized clinical trials evaluating the impact of quarterly recovery management checkups with adult chronic substance users. Addiction [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];104:959-971. Available from:
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Bowen DJ, Beresford SAA, Vu T, Feng Z, Tinker L, Hart, A. J, Christensen CL, McLerran D, Satia-Abouta J, Campbell M. Baseline data and design for a randomized intervention study of dietary change in religious organizations. Preventive Medicine [Internet]. 2004 [cited *2];39:602-611. Available from: URL:
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Meyer C, Muhlfeld A, Drexhage C, Floege J, Goepel E, Schauerte P, Kelm M, Rassaf T. Clinical research for patient empowerment--A qualitative approach on the improvement of heart health promotion in chronic illness. Medical Science Monitor [Internet]. 2008 [cited 1];14:CR358-CR365. Available from:
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Watkins CL, Auton MF, Deans CF, Dickinson HA, Jack CI, Lightbody CE, Sutton CJ, van den Broek MD, Leathley MJ. Motivational interviewing early after acute stroke: A randomized, controlled trial. Stroke [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];38:1004-1009. Available from:
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Alexander GL, McClure JB, Calvi JH, Divine GW, Stopponi MA, Rolnick SJ, Heimendinger J, Tolsma DD, Resnicow K, Campbell MK, et al. A randomized clinical trial evaluating online interventions to improve fruit and vegetable consumption. American Journal of Public Health [Internet]. 2010 [cited *5];100:319-326. Available from:
Foley K, Duran B, Morris P, Lucero J, Jiang Y, Baxter B, Harrison M, Shurley M, Shorty E, Joe D, et al. Using motivational interviewing to promote HIV testing at an American Indian substance abuse treatment facility. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs [Internet]. 2005 [cited 1];37:321-329. Available from:
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