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Foote J, DeLuca A, Magura S, Warner A, Grand A, Rosenblum A, Stahl S. A group motivational treatment for chemical dependency. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 1999 [cited 2];17:181-192. Available from:
Foote J, DeLuca A, Magura S, Warner A, Grand A, Rosenblum A, Stahl S. A group motivational treatment for chemical dependency. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 1999 [cited 2];17:181-192. Available from:
Ludman EJ, Curry SJ, Meyer D, Taplin SH. Implementation of outreach telephone counseling to promote mammography participation. Health Education and Behavior [Internet]. 1999 [cited 3];26:689-702. Available from:
Ershoff DH, Quinn VP, Boyd NR, Stern J, Gregory M, Wirtschafter D. The Kaiser Permanente prenatal smoking-cessation trial: When more isn't better, what is enough?. American Journal of Preventive Medicine [Internet]. 1999 [cited *3];17:161-168. Available from:
Ershoff DH, Quinn VP, Boyd NR, Stern J, Gregory M, Wirtschafter D. The Kaiser Permanente prenatal smoking-cessation trial: When more isn't better, what is enough?. American Journal of Preventive Medicine [Internet]. 1999 [cited *3];17:161-168. Available from:
Ershoff DH, Quinn VP, Boyd NR, Stern J, Gregory M, Wirtschafter D. The Kaiser Permanente prenatal smoking-cessation trial: When more isn't better, what is enough?. American Journal of Preventive Medicine [Internet]. 1999 [cited *3];17:161-168. Available from:
Compton P, Monahan G, Simmons-Cody H. Motivational interviewing: An effective brief intervention for alcohol and drug abuse patients. Nurse Practitioner [Internet]. 1999 ;24:27-28, 31-34, 37-38. Available from:
Swanson AJ, Pantalon MV, Cohen KR. Motivational interviewing and treatment adherence among psychiatric and dually diagnosed patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease [Internet]. 1999 [cited 1];187:630-635. Available from:
Harland J, White M, Drinkwater C, Chinn D, Farr L, Howel D. The Newcastle exercise project: A randomised controlled trial of methods to promote physical activity in primary care. British Medical Journal [Internet]. 1999 [cited *1];319:828-832. Available from:
Harland J, White M, Drinkwater C, Chinn D, Farr L, Howel D. The Newcastle exercise project: A randomised controlled trial of methods to promote physical activity in primary care. British Medical Journal [Internet]. 1999 [cited *1];319:828-832. Available from:
Coffey M. Psychosis and medication: Strategies for improving adherence. British Journal of Nursing [Internet]. 1999 ;8:225-230. Available from:
Coffey M. Psychosis and medication: Strategies for improving adherence. British Journal of Nursing [Internet]. 1999 ;8:225-230. Available from:
Coffey M. Psychosis and medication: Strategies for improving adherence. British Journal of Nursing [Internet]. 1999 ;8:225-230. Available from:
Coffey M. Psychosis and medication: Strategies for improving adherence. British Journal of Nursing [Internet]. 1999 ;8:225-230. Available from:
Gerber S, Basham A. Responsive therapy and motivational interviewing: Postmodernist paradigms. Journal of Counseling and Development [Internet]. 1999 ;77:418-422. Available from:
Gerber S, Basham A. Responsive therapy and motivational interviewing: Postmodernist paradigms. Journal of Counseling and Development [Internet]. 1999 ;77:418-422. Available from:
Rao SA. The short-term impact of the family check-up: A brief motivational intervention for at-risk families. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. 1999 [cited *4].
Rao SA. The short-term impact of the family check-up: A brief motivational intervention for at-risk families. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. 1999 [cited *4].
Walitzer KS, Dermen KH, Connors GJ. Strategies for preparing clients for treatment: A review. Behavior Modification [Internet]. 1999 ;23:129-151. Available from:
Walitzer KS, Dermen KH, Connors GJ. Strategies for preparing clients for treatment: A review. Behavior Modification [Internet]. 1999 ;23:129-151. Available from:
Walitzer KS, Dermen KH, Connors GJ. Strategies for preparing clients for treatment: A review. Behavior Modification [Internet]. 1999 ;23:129-151. Available from:
Walitzer KS, Dermen KH, Connors GJ. Strategies for preparing clients for treatment: A review. Behavior Modification [Internet]. 1999 ;23:129-151. Available from:
Handmaker NS, Hester RK, Delaney HD. Videotaped training in alcohol counseling for obstetric care practitioners: A randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics and Gynecology [Internet]. 1999 ;93:213-218. Available from:
Handmaker NS, Hester RK, Delaney HD. Videotaped training in alcohol counseling for obstetric care practitioners: A randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics and Gynecology [Internet]. 1999 ;93:213-218. Available from:
Handmaker NS, Hester RK, Delaney HD. Videotaped training in alcohol counseling for obstetric care practitioners: A randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics and Gynecology [Internet]. 1999 ;93:213-218. Available from:


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