A group motivational treatment for chemical dependency

TitleA group motivational treatment for chemical dependency
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsFoote, J, DeLuca, A, Magura, S, Warner, A, Grand, A, Rosenblum, A, Stahl, S
JournalJournal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Date PublishedOct
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0740-5472 (Print)0740-5472 (Linking)
Accession Number10531624
Keywords*Motivation, Alcoholism/therapy, Humans, Psychotherapy, Brief/methods, Psychotherapy, Group/*methods, Substance-Related Disorders/psychology/*therapy

Patient "motivation" has been implicated as a critical component in addiction treatment outcomes. To date, treatments utilizing motivational elements have been conducted as individual interventions. We describe the development of a Group Motivational Intervention (GMI), a four-session, manual-driven group approach that employs key hypothesized motivational elements. These include the six motivational elements derived by Miller and Sanchez (1994) from successful alcoholism treatments, described with the acronym, FRAMES (feedback, responsibility, advice, menu of options, empathy, and self-efficacy). GMI is additionally informed by concepts derived from "self-determination theory" (Deci & Ryan, 1985), concerned with understanding motivation as either internal/autonomous or external/controlled. Evidence indicates that people will value and persist longer in behaviors that they perceive as autonomously motivated. GMI techniques utilize the interpersonal factors found to be autonomy-supportive in self-determination theory. Preliminary results from a randomized clinical trial suggest that key motivational processes are affected by GMI: patients perceive the GMI environment and group leader as significantly more "autonomy supportive" than treatment "as usual."

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