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motivational interviewing
Zerler H. Motivational interviewing and suicidality. In: Arkowitz H, Westra HA, Miller WR, Rollnick S Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems. Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems. New York, NY: Guilford Press; 2008. pp. 173-193. Available from:
Söderlund LL, Nordqvist C, Angbratt M, Nilsen P. Applying motivational interviewing to counselling overweight and obese children. Health Education Research [Internet]. 2009 ;24:442-449. Available from:
Van Horn DHA, Bux, Donald A. J. A pilot test of motivational interviewing groups for dually diagnosed inpatients. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2001 [cited 2];20:191-195. Available from:
Carey KB, Leontieva L, Dimmock J, Maisto SA, Batki SL. Adapting motivational interventions for comorbid schizophrenia and alcohol use disorders. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice [Internet]. 2007 ;14:39-57. Available from:
Daugherty MD. A randomized trial of motivational interviewing with college students for academic success. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. 2009 [cited *1].
Perry CK, Bennett JA. Heart disease prevention in women: Promoting exercise. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners [Internet]. 2006 ;18:568-573. Available from:
Webber KH. Evaluating the efficacy of internet based motivational interviewing group treatment for weight loss. [Internet]. 2008 [cited *15]. Available from:
Harris, Rafael S. J, Aldea MA, Kirkley DE. A motivational interviewing and common factors approach to change in working with alcohol use and abuse in college students. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice [Internet]. 2006 ;37:614-621. Available from:
Arkowitz H, Westra HA. Integrating motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2004 ;18:337-350. Available from: 10.1891/jcop.18.4.337.63998
Santa Ana EJ. Efficacy of group motivational interviewing (GMI) for psychiatric inpatients with chemical dependence. 2005 [cited *2].
Deas D, Clark A. Current state of treatment for alcohol and other drug use disorders in adolescents. Alcohol Research and Health [Internet]. 2009 ;32:76-82. Available from: URL:
Boyle C. The challenge of interviewing adolescents: Which psychotherapeutic approaches are useful in educational psychology?. Educational and Child Psychology [Internet]. 2007 ;24:36-45. Available from:
Ross S. Working with dually diagnosed patients. In: Levounis P, Arnaout B Handbook of motivation and change: A practical guide for clinicians. Handbook of motivation and change: A practical guide for clinicians. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric; 2010. pp. 129-148. Available from:
Simpson HB, Zuckoff AM, Maher MJ, Page JR, Franklin ME, Foa EB, Schmidt AB, Wang Y. Challenges using motivational interviewing as an adjunct to exposure therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy [Internet]. 2010 [cited *1];48:941-948. Available from:
Lapietra EH. The impact of motivational interviewing on initial treatment attendance for participants with dual disorders. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences. 2006 [cited *1].
Irby M, Kaplan S, Garner-Edwards D, Kolbash S, Skelton JA. Motivational interviewing in a family-based pediatric obesity program: A case study. Families, Systems, and Health [Internet]. 2010 ;28:236-246. Available from:
Seager M. Healing psychology's own motivational conflicts: A comment on Miller's 'Ethics of Motivational Intervention'. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 1995 ;23:341-343. Available from:
Bell K, Cole BA. Improving medical students' success in promoting health behavior change: A curriculum evaluation. Journal of General Internal Medicine [Internet]. 2008 ;23:1503-1506. Available from:
Clark MD, Walters S, Gingerich R, Meltzer M. Motivational interviewing for probation officers: Tipping the balance toward change. Federal Probation [Internet]. 2006 ;70:38-44. Available from:
Spiller V, Guelfi GP. Motivational interviewing in the criminal justice system. In: Tober G, Raistrick D Motivational dialogue: Preparing addiction professionals for motivational interviewing practice. Motivational dialogue: Preparing addiction professionals for motivational interviewing practice. New York, NY: Routledge; 2007. pp. 151-162. Available from:
Secades-Villa R, Fernánde-Hermida JR, Arnáez-Montaraz C. Motivational interviewing and treatment retention among drug user patients: A pilot study. Substance Use and Misuse [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];39:1369-1378. Available from:
Perry CK, Rosenfeld AG, Bennett JA, Potempa K. Promoting walking in rural women through motivational interviewing and group support. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing [Internet]. 2007 [cited *12];22:304-312. Available from:
Doumas DM, Hannah E. Preventing high-risk drinking in youth in the workplace: A web-based normative feedback program. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];34:263-271. Available from:
Horn K, Dino G, Hamilton C, Noerachmanto N, Zhang J. Feasibility of a smoking cessation intervention for teens in the emergency department: Reach, implementation fidelity, and acceptability. American Journal of Critical Care [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];17:205-216. Available from:
Matheron I, Léonard T, Bonneval G. [Motivational interviewing and group discussions for the treatment of patients with resistant anorexia nervosa]. Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive [Internet]. 2002 [cited 2];12:122-130. Available from:


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