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Hanson M, Gutheil IA. Motivational strategies with alcohol-involved older adults: Implications for social work practice. Social Work [Internet]. 2004 ;49:364-372. Available from:
Kaysen DL, Lee CM, LaBrie JW, Tollison SJ. Readiness to change drinking behavior in female college students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Supplement [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1]:106-114. Available from:
Aliotta SL, Vlasnik JJ, DeLor B. Enhancing adherence to long-term medical therapy: A new approach to assessing and treating patients. Advances in Therapy [Internet]. 2004 ;21:214-231. Available from:
Holstad MM, DiIorio C, Magowe MK. Motivating HIV positive women to adhere to antiretroviral therapy and risk reduction behavior: The KHARMA Project. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing [Internet]. 2006 ;11:5. Available from:
Juarez P, Walters ST, Daugherty M, Radi C. A randomized trial of motivational interviewing and feedback with heavy drinking college students. Journal of Drug Education [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];36:233-246. Available from:
LaBrie JW, Huchting KK, Lac A, Tawalbeh S, Thompson AD, Larimer ME. Preventing risky drinking in first-year college women: Further validation of a female-specific motivational-enhancement group intervention. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Supplement [Internet]. 2009 [cited *2]:77-85. Available from:
Parsons JT, Rosof E, Punzalan JC, Di Maria L. Integration of motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy to improve HIV medication adherence and reduce substance use among HIV-positive men and women: Results of a pilot project. AIDS Patient Care STDS [Internet]. 2005 [cited *1];19:31-39. Available from:
Berger BA, Liang H, Hudmon KS. Evaluation of software-based telephone counseling to enhance medication persistency among patients with multiple sclerosis. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association [Internet]. 2005 [cited *3];45:466-472. Available from:


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