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Mausbach BT, Semple SJ, Strathdee SA, Zians J, Patterson TL. Efficacy of a behavioral intervention for increasing safer sex behaviors in HIV-negative, heterosexual methamphetamine users: Results from the fast-lane study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];34:263-274. Available from:
Horn K, Dino G, Hamilton C, Noerachmanto N. Efficacy of an emergency department-based motivational teenage smoking intervention. Preventing Chronic Disease [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];4:A08. Available from:
Santa Ana EJ, Wulfert E, Nietert PJ. Efficacy of group motivational interviewing (GMI) for psychiatric inpatients with chemical dependence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2007 [cited *2];75:816-822. Available from:
Pollak KI, Østbye T, Alexander SC, Gradison M, Bastian LA, Brouwer RNJ, Lyna P. Empathy goes a long way in weight loss discussions. Journal of Family Practice [Internet]. 2007 ;56:1031-1036. Available from:
Swartz HA, Zuckoff A, Grote NK, Spielvogle HN, Bledsoe SE, Shear KM, Frank E. Engaging depressed patients in psychotherapy: Integrating techniques from motivational interviewing and ethnographic interviewing to improve treatment participation. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice [Internet]. 2007 ;38:430-439. Available from:
Grote NK, Zuckoff A, Swartz H, Bledsoe SE, Geibel S. Engaging women who are depressed and economically disadvantaged in mental health treatment. Social Work [Internet]. 2007 ;52:295-308. Available from:
McKee SA, Carroll KM, Sinha R, Robinson JE, Nich C, Cavallo D, O'Malley S. Enhancing brief cognitive-behavioral therapy with motivational enhancement techniques in cocaine users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];91:97-101. Available from:
Bennett GA, Roberts HA, Vaughan TE, Gibbins JA, Rouse L. Evaluating a method of assessing competence in motivational interviewing: A study using simulated patients in the United Kingdom. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2007 ;32:69-79. Available from:
Woodruff SI, Conway TL, Edwards CC, Elliott SP, Crittenden J. Evaluation of an Internet virtual world chat room for adolescent smoking cessation. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2007 [cited *5];32:1769-1786. Available from:
Pierson HM, Hayes SC, Gifford EV, Roget N, Padilla M, Bissett R, Berry K, Kohlenberg B, Rhode R, Fisher G. An examination of the motivational interviewing treatment integrity code. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2007 ;32:11-17. Available from:
Faris AS. Examining process variables in a motivational intervention for college student drinkers. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. 2007 .
Ang D, Kesavalu R, Lydon JR, Lane KA, Bigatti S. Exercise-based motivational interviewing for female patients with fibromyalgia: A case series. Clinical Rheumatology [Internet]. 2007 [cited *3];26:1843-1849. Available from:
Bradley AC, Baker A, Lewin TJ. Group intervention for coexisting psychosis and substance use disorders in rural Australia: Outcomes over 3 years. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2];41:501-508. Available from:
Conti J. Group motivational interviewing: Evaluation of a manualized program for clients mandated to substance abuse treatment. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. 2007 [cited 2].
LaBrie JW, Thompson AD, Huchting K, Lac A, Buckley K. A group motivational interviewing intervention reduces drinking and alcohol-related negative consequences in adjudicated college women. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2];32:2549-2562. Available from:
Brown TG, Dongier M, Latimer E, Legault L, Seraganian P, Kokin M, Ross D. Group-delivered brief intervention versus standard care for mixed alcohol/other drug problems: A preliminary study. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly [Internet]. 2007 [cited *2];24:23-40. Available from:
Butterworth S. Health coaching as an intervention in health management programs. Disease Management and Health Outcomes [Internet]. 2007 ;15:299-307. Available from:
Venner KL, Feldstein SW, Tafoya N. Helping clients feel welcome: Principles of adapting treatment cross-culturally. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly [Internet]. 2007 ;25:11-30. Available from:
Richardson CR, Schwenk TL. Helping sedentary patients become more active: A practical guide for the primary care physician. Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management [Internet]. 2007 ;14:161-171. Available from: URL:
Laker CJ. How reliable is the current evidence looking at the efficacy of harm reduction and motivational interviewing interventions in the treatment of patients with a dual diagnosis?. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing [Internet]. 2007 ;14:720-726. Available from:
Larimer ME, Cronce JM. Identification, prevention, and treatment revisited: Individual-focused college drinking prevention strategies 1999-2006. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2007 ;32:2439-2468. Available from: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2007.05.006
Holm Ivarsson B, Pantzar M. Introduktion till motiverande samtal : en handledning för skolhälsovården. Stockholm: Statens folkhälsoinstitut; 2007. Available from:
Suarez-Morales L, Matthews J, Martino S, Ball SA, Rosa C, Farentinos C, Szapocznik J, Carroll KM. Issues in designing and implementing a Spanish-language multi-site clinical trial. American Journal on Addictions [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];16:206-215. Available from:
Miles H, Dutheil L, Welsby I, Haider D. 'Just say no': A preliminary evaluation of a three-stage model of integrated treatment for substance use problems in conditions of medium security. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2];18:141-159. Available from: 10.1080/14789940601101897
White HR, Mun EY, Pugh L, Morgan TJ. Long-term effects of brief substance use interventions for mandated college students: Sleeper effects of an in-person personal feedback intervention. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];31:1380-1391. Available from:


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