Enhancing brief cognitive-behavioral therapy with motivational enhancement techniques in cocaine users

TitleEnhancing brief cognitive-behavioral therapy with motivational enhancement techniques in cocaine users
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsMcKee, SA, Carroll, KM, Sinha, R, Robinson, JE, Nich, C, Cavallo, D, O'Malley, S
JournalDrug and Alcohol Dependence
PublisherElsevier Science
Place PublishedNetherlands
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0376-8716
Accession Number2007-14667-012. First Author & Affiliation: McKee, Sherry A.
Keywordsbrief cognitive behavioral therapy, Brief Psychotherapy, cocaine, cocaine users, cognitive behavior therapy, Drug abuse, Drug Dependency, enhancement techniques, Intervention, motivational interviewing

Background: We investigated the impact of enhancing brief cognitive-behavioral therapy with motivational interviewing techniques for cocaine abuse or dependence, using a focused intervention paradigm. Methods: Participants (n = 74) who met current criteria for cocaine abuse or dependence were randomized to three-session cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or three-session enhanced CBT (MET + CBT), which included an initial session of motivational enhancement therapy (MET). Outcome measures included treatment retention, process measures (e.g., commitment to abstinence, satisfaction with treatment), and cocaine use. Results: Participants who received the MET + CBT intervention attended more drug treatment sessions following the study interventions, reported significantly greater desire for abstinence and expectation of success, and they expected greater difficulty in maintaining abstinence compared to the CBT condition. There were no differences across treatment conditions on cocaine use. Conclusions: These findings offer mixed support for the addition of MET as an adjunctive approach to CBT for cocaine users. In addition, the study provides evidence for the feasibility of using short-term studies to test the effects of specific treatment components or refinements on measures of therapy process and outcome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)

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