Engaging depressed patients in psychotherapy: Integrating techniques from motivational interviewing and ethnographic interviewing to improve treatment participation

TitleEngaging depressed patients in psychotherapy: Integrating techniques from motivational interviewing and ethnographic interviewing to improve treatment participation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsSwartz, HA, Zuckoff, A, Grote, NK, Spielvogle, HN, Bledsoe, SE, Shear, KM, Frank, E
JournalProfessional Psychology: Research and Practice
PublisherAmerican Psychological Association
Place PublishedUS
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0735-70281939-1323
Accession Number2007-11559-016. First Author & Affiliation: Swartz, Holly A.
KeywordsClient Participation, Depression, engagement, ethnographic interviewing, Intervention, major depression, motivational interviewing, multicultural counseling, Multiculturalism, Treatment adherence, treatment compliance

Treatment dropouts and high "no show" rates are vexing problems for practicing psychologists and the populations they serve. This article describes a one-session intervention based on principles derived from motivational interviewing and ethnographic interviewing designed to improve depressed patients' participation in subsequent psychiatric treatment. The authors explain the rationale for developing an engagement intervention, describe the intervention itself, and present case vignettes based on a pilot study evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of administering the intervention to depressed mothers whose children suffer from psychiatric illness. The article includes strategies that may be implemented in clinical practice to improve patients' participation in treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)

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