ICMI 2022, sponsored by MINT, was held virtually from 13-16 June, 2022. It continued the tradition of the five previous international MI conferences (Interlaken 2008, Stockholm 2010, Venice 2012, Amsterdam 2014, Philadelphia 2017) by bringing together researchers and MI enthusiasts from around the world to share and explore research on MI, this time through a sophisticated virtual conference platform.
The conference ran from 13:00 - 19:00 UTC each day. Each day's program was recorded and made available at the end of the day for those registered for the conference. The recordings remained available for viewing 24 hours a day for 30 days after the conference ended.
We offered MINT's country of residence registration fee structure for the conference as well as discounted rates for MINT members. Conference registrants licensed in North America (Physicians, Nurses, Psychologists, Social Workers, Professional Counselors, Certified and Licensed Drug and Alcohol Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists) were eligible for up to 16 continuing education credits for attendance at ICMI 2022. ICMI 2022 was also accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 11 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).
Each of the four conference days began with an invited keynote address:
-- The Syndemic of Climate Crisis and Health - The Need for Changing our Behavior - Peter Friberg, MD (Speaker); William R. Miller, PhD and Stephen Rollnick, PhD (Discussants)
-- Motivational Interviewing, Antiracism and Cultural Humility - Sylvie Naar, PhD
-- Synergizing Communication Science and Computer Science in the Study and Application of Motivational Interviewing - April Carcone, PhD, MSW
-- "I like to drink. When I don't have my drink, I miss it but sometimes I think I should stop." A Neurobiological and Clinical Discussion about Ambivalence - Jean-Bernard Daeppen, MD
These talks were followed by concurrent sessions of symposia and individual papers and end of the day panel discussions and lightning talks. Topics of the symposia included "Motivational Interviewing in Education: What Do We Know? And Where Should We Go From Here?" (Chair: Nava Ben-Artzey, Lecturer and researcher, Head of Group Conductors Program, Ono Academic College, Israel, "Motivational Interviewing for Cannabis Use Disorder" (Chair: Clara Oliveras Salvà, Psychiatrist, Emergency Department and Addictions Unit, Psychiatry and Psychology Service, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Spain), "Theoretical Critiques of MI" (Chair: William R. Miller, Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of New Mexico, USA), and "BAP-MI: Teaching and Evaluating a Stepped-Care Approach to Health Behavior Change" (Chair: Steven Cole, Professor Emeritus, Stony Brook University School of Medicine, Clinical Professor of Scientific Education, Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine, USA). Individual papers highlighted the use and effectiveness of MI, MI training and implementation, and the effective ingredients of MI in areas as varied as vaccine hesitancy, primary care, substance use treatment, education, employment, veterinary care, and more), with diverse populations (refugees, people with intellectual disabilities, older adults, adolescents, gender and sexual minority individuals, and more), using novel methods (digital interventions, virtual self-conversation, and more). End of the day plenaries included a panel on MI to reduce national violence escalation and lightning talks focused on MI's ability to bridge differences of culture and identity as well as MI's mechanisms of action. The conference also featured a virtual poster session, and the online platform provided a networking area to engage in group chats or request one-to-one meetings with fellow conference participants.
You can find a copy of the final conference schedule below. We are pleased to have offered this engaging and exciting event, and to have welcomed the return of ICMI.
ICMI 2022 Organizing Committee
ICMI 2022 Scientific Committee