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Bennett GA, Moore J, Vaughan T, Rouse L, Gibbins JA, Thomas P, James K, Gower P. Strengthening motivational interviewing skills following initial training: A randomised trial of workplace-based reflective practice. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2007 ;32:2963-2975. Available from:
Rollnick S, Morgan M. Motivational interviewing: Increasing readiness for change. In: Washton AM Psychotherapy and substance abuse: A practitioner's handbook. Psychotherapy and substance abuse: A practitioner's handbook. New York, NY: Guilford Press; 1996. pp. 179-191. Available from:
Dunn C, Deroo L, Rivara FP. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Reply. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1774-1775. Available from:
Miller WR. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1770-1771. Available from:
Burke BL, Dunn CW, Atkins DC, Phelps JS. The emerging evidence base for motivational interviewing: A meta-analytic and qualitative inquiry. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2004 [cited ];18:309-322. Available from: 10.1891/jcop.18.4.309.64002
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Gray E, McCambridge J, Strang J. The effectiveness of motivational interviewing delivered by youth workers in reducing drinking, cigarette and cannabis smoking among young people: Quasi-experimental pilot study. Alcohol and Alcoholism [Internet]. 2005 [cited 1];40:535-539. Available from:
Weegmann M. Motivational interviewing and addiction: A psychodynamic appreciation. Psychodynamic Practice: Individuals, Groups and Organisations [Internet]. 2002 ;8:179-195. Available from:
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Ball SA, Martino S, Nich C, Frankforter TL, Horn DV, Crits-Christoph P, Woody GE, Obert JL, Farentinos C, Carroll KM. Site matters: Multisite randomized trial of motivational enhancement therapy in community drug abuse clinics. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];75:556-567. Available from:
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Demmel R. Motivational Interviewing: Ein Literaturüberblick. Sucht: Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis [Internet]. 2001 ;47:171-188. Available from:
Michael KD, Curtin L, Kirkley DE, Jones DL, Harris, Rafael S. J. Group-based motivational interviewing for alcohol use among college students: An exploratory study. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice [Internet]. 2006 [cited *2];37:629-634. Available from:
Boyle C. The challenge of interviewing adolescents: Which psychotherapeutic approaches are useful in educational psychology?. Educational and Child Psychology [Internet]. 2007 ;24:36-45. Available from:
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Harper R, Hardy S. An evaluation of motivational interviewing as a method of intervention with clients in a probation setting. British Journal of Social Work [Internet]. 2000 [cited *1];30:393-400. Available from: 10.1093/bjsw/30.3.393
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Carels RA, Darby L, Cacciapaglia HM, Konrad K, Coit C, Harper J, Kaplar ME, Young K, Baylen CA, Versland A. Using motivational interviewing as a supplement to obesity treatment: A stepped-care approach. Health Psychology [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];26:369-374. Available from:
Taylor RI. Pharmacotherapy treatment adherence in patients with bipolar I disorder: Can motivational interviewing strategies make a difference?. [Internet]. 2004 [cited 1]. Available from:
Isenhart C. Motivational interviewing. In: Craig RJ Clinical and diagnostic interviewing. 2ndnd ed. Clinical and diagnostic interviewing. Lanham, MD: Jason Aronson; 2005. pp. 215-232. Available from:


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