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Treatment Outcomes
Campbell SD, Adamson SJ, Carter JD. Client language during motivational enhancement therapy and alcohol use outcome. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2010 ;38:399-415. Available from:
Bisonó AM, Manuel JK, Forcehimes AA. Promoting treatment adherence through motivational interviewing. In: O'Donohue WT, Levensky ER Promoting treatment adherence: A practical handbook for health care providers. Promoting treatment adherence: A practical handbook for health care providers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; 2006. pp. 71-84. Available from:
Rojas M, Braun-Courville D, Nucci-Sack A, Diaz A. Brief motivational interventions for adolescent health promotion in clinical settings. In: DiClemente RJ, Santelli JS, Crosby RA Adolescent health: Understanding and preventing risk behaviors. Adolescent health: Understanding and preventing risk behaviors. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 2009. pp. 493-510. Available from:
Frey J. Motivational interviewing and behavioral compliance in chronic pain patients: A treatment outcome study. 2008 [cited *1].
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Martino S, Carroll KM, Nich C, Rounsaville BJ. A randomized controlled pilot study of motivational interviewing for patients with psychotic and drug use disorders. Addiction [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];101:1479-1492. Available from:
Project MATCH Research Group. Matching patients with alcohol disorders to treatments: Clinical implications from Project MATCH. Journal of Mental Health [Internet]. 1998 [cited *1];7:589-602. Available from: URL:
Long CG, Jones K. Issues in running smoking cessation groups with forensic psychiatric inpatients: Results of a pilot study and lessons learnt. British Journal of Forensic Practice [Internet]. 2005 ;7:22-28. Available from: URL:
Rao SA. The short-term impact of the family check-up: A brief motivational intervention for at-risk families. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. 1999 [cited *4].
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Adamson SJ, Sellman DJ. Drinking goal selection and treatment outcome in out-patients with mild-moderate alcohol dependence. Drug and Alcohol Review [Internet]. 2001 [cited *1];20:351-359. Available from:
Patterson DR. Motivational interviewing. In: Patterson DR Clinical hypnosis for pain control. Clinical hypnosis for pain control. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 2010. pp. 185-209. Available from:
Moyers TB, Martin T, Houck JM, Christopher PJ, Tonigan SJ. From in-session behaviors to drinking outcomes: A causal chain for motivational interviewing. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2009 ;77:1113-1124. Available from: 10.1037/a0017189
Colby SM, Monti PM, Barnett NP, Rohsenow DJ, Weissman K, Spirito A, Woolard RH, Lewander WJ. Brief motivational interviewing in a hospital setting for adolescent smoking: A preliminary study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 1998 [cited *1];66:574-578. Available from:
Hjorthøj C, Fohlmann A, Nordentoft M. Treatment of cannabis use disorders in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders - A systematic review. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2009 ;34:520-525. Available from:
Arkowitz H, Burke BL. Motivational interviewing as an integrative framework for the treatment of depression. In: Arkowitz H, Westra HA, Miller WR, Rollnick S Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems. Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems. New York, NY: Guilford Press; 2008. pp. 145-272. Available from:
Carroll KM, Ball SA, Nich C, Martino S, Frankforter TL, Farentinos C, Kunkel LE, Mikulich-Gilbertson SK, Morgenstern J, Obert JL, et al. Motivational interviewing to improve treatment engagement and outcome in individuals seeking treatment for substance abuse: A multisite effectiveness study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];81:301-312. Available from:
Connors GJ, Walitzer KS, Dermen KH. Preparing clients for alcoholism treatment: Effects on treatment participation and outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2002 [cited *1];70:1161-1169. Available from:
Britt E, Hudson SM, Blampied NM. Motivational interviewing in health settings: A review. Patient Education and Counseling [Internet]. 2004 ;53:147-155. Available from:
Long CG, Hollin CR. Assessment and management of eating disordered patients who over-exercise: A four-year follow-up of six single case studies. Journal of Mental Health [Internet]. 1995 [cited 12];4:309-316. Available from: URL:
Miller WR. Motivation for treatment: A review with special emphasis on alcoholism. Psychological Bulletin [Internet]. 1985 ;98:84-107. Available from: 10.1037/0033-2909.98.1.84
Brown RA, Strong DR, Abrantes AM, Myers MG, Ramsey SE, Kahler CW. Effects on substance use outcomes in adolescents receiving motivational interviewing for smoking cessation during psychiatric hospitalization. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2009 [cited *13];34:887-891. Available from:
Angus LE, Kagan F. Therapist empathy and client anxiety reduction in motivational interviewing: 'She carries with me, the experience.'. Journal of Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2009 ;65:1156-1167. Available from:;jsessionid=90C9B4ACFEECA3C1AF0
Stanton M. Motivational interviewing and the social context. American Psychologist [Internet]. 2010 ;65:297-298. Available from:
Haddock G, Barrowclough C, Tarrier N, Moring J, O'Brien R, Schofield N, Quinn J, Palmer S, Davies L, Lowens I, et al. Cognitive-behavioural therapy and motivational intervention for schizophrenia and substance misuse: 18-month outcomes of a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2003 [cited *14];183:418-426. Available from:


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