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Alcohol Rehabilitation
Larimer ME, Turner AP, Anderson BK, Fader JS, Kilmer JR, Palmer RS, Cronce JM. Evaluating a brief alcohol intervention with fraternities. Journal of Studies on Alcohol [Internet]. 2001 [cited *12];62:370-380. Available from:
Venner KL, Feldstein SW, Tafoya N. Helping clients feel welcome: Principles of adapting treatment cross-culturally. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly [Internet]. 2007 ;25:11-30. Available from:
Miller WR. Motivational interviewing with problem drinkers. Behavioural Psychotherapy [Internet]. 1983 ;11:147-172. Available from: 10.1017/S0141347300006583
Moyers TB, Martin T, Houck JM, Christopher PJ, Tonigan SJ. From in-session behaviors to drinking outcomes: A causal chain for motivational interviewing. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2009 ;77:1113-1124. Available from: 10.1037/a0017189
Barnett NP, Monti PM, Wood MD. Motivational interviewing for alcohol-involved adolescents in the emergency room. In: Wagner EF, Waldron HB Innovations in adolescent substance abuse interventions. Innovations in adolescent substance abuse interventions. Oxford, UK: Pergamon; 2001. pp. 143-168. Available from: 10.1016/B978-008043577-0/50027-4
Bombardier CH, Rimmele CT. Motivational interviewing to prevent alcohol abuse after traumatic brain injury: A case series. Rehabilitation Psychology [Internet]. 1999 [cited *1];44:52-67. Available from:
Karno MP, Longabaugh R, Herbeck D. What explains the relationship between the therapist structure x patient reactance interaction and drinking outcome? An examination of potential mediators. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2010 ;24:600-607. Available from: 10.1037/a0020526
Scholl MB, Schmitt DM. Using motivational interviewing to address college client alcohol abuse. Journal of College Counseling [Internet]. 2009 ;12:57-70. Available from:
Ritson B. Treatments. In: Paton A, Touquet R ABC of alcohol. 4thth ed. ABC of alcohol. Williston, VT: BMJ Books; 2005. pp. 46-48. Available from:
Harris, Rafael S. J, Aldea MA, Kirkley DE. A motivational interviewing and common factors approach to change in working with alcohol use and abuse in college students. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice [Internet]. 2006 ;37:614-621. Available from:
Fleming MF. Identification and treatment of alcohol use disorders in older adults. In: Gurnack AM, Atkinson R, Osgood NJ Treating alcohol and drug abuse in the elderly. Treating alcohol and drug abuse in the elderly. New York, NY: Springer; 2002. pp. 85-108. Available from:
Handmaker NS, Wilbourne P. Motivational interventions in prenatal clinics. Alcohol Research and Health [Internet]. 2001 ;25:219-229. Available from:
Wilbourne PL. An empirical basis for the treatment of alcohol problems. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering [Internet]. 2005 [cited ]. Available from:
Campbell SD, Adamson SJ, Carter JD. Client language during motivational enhancement therapy and alcohol use outcome. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2010 ;38:399-415. Available from:
Karno MP, Longabaugh R. Less directiveness by therapists improves drinking outcomes of reactant clients in alcoholism treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2005 ;73:262-267. Available from: 10.1037/0022-006X.73.2.262
Zywiak WIH, Longabaugh R, Wirtz PW. Decomposing the relationships between pretreatment social network characteristics and alcohol treatment outcome. Journal of Studies on Alcohol [Internet]. 2002 [cited *1];63:114-121. Available from:
Miller WR. Increasing motivation for change. In: Hester RK, Miller WR Handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches: Effective alternatives. 2ndnd ed. Handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches: Effective alternatives. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon; 1995. pp. 89-104. Available from:
Miller WR, Rollnick S. Motivational interviewing: Preparing people to change addictive behavior. New York: Guilford Press; 1991. Available from:
Miller WR. Motivation for treatment: A review with special emphasis on alcoholism. Psychological Bulletin [Internet]. 1985 ;98:84-107. Available from: 10.1037/0033-2909.98.1.84
Tober G. Motivational enhancement therapy in the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial. In: Tober G, Raistrick D Motivational dialogue: Preparing addiction professionals for motivational interviewing practice. Motivational dialogue: Preparing addiction professionals for motivational interviewing practice. New York, NY: Routledge; 2007. pp. 163-173. Available from:
alcohol or drug use
Mason PG. Motivational interviewing. In: Rassool HG Dual diagnosis nursing. Dual diagnosis nursing. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing; 2006. pp. 254-260. Available from:


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