Monday, 24 February 2025
9AM - 5 PM CT 10 AM - 5 PM ET
*Please confirm your time zone.
Cost: $140
Early Bird Special: $130 before 1/24/25
Please see links below for more information.
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An opportunity for attendants to define their own participant scenario and address it with advanced MI approaches. Topics will likely include Trauma Informed Care, resistance, discord, preparatory and mobilizing change talk & more.
The advanced level workshop allows Motivational Interviewing trained criminal justice, health care and social service practitioners to review and expand on the practice of MI treatment approaches toward effective therapeutic interventions.
In this advanced, intensive 3-day training, proficiency in understanding Motivational Interviewing (MI) is assumed as a starting point so applicants must already have substantial familiarity and experience with Motivational Interviewing. The focus is on training and coaching skills toward teaching MI and to facilitate the learning of MI by others. This training does not focus on acquisition of proficiency in the clinical skills themselves.
During this three day workshop, participants will:
•Discuss ways to teach, coach this material to others.
Portland, Maine
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This training is designed to prepare the health, mental health and correctional professional to teach, train and coach this effective, evidence-based clinical method. Participants will learn a well-developed, sequenced and integrated set of skills for coa
In this 12-hour advanced course, we dig into what it really means to use Motivational Interviewing to the level of fidelity. MI fidelity is the threshold of demonstrated skills required by providers in all of those amazing evidence-based practice research trials. And that’s what this advanced MI course is all about! Fidelity through practice!
In this 12-hour advanced course, we dig into what it really means to use Motivational Interviewing to the level of fidelity. MI fidelity is the threshold of demonstrated skills required by providers in all of those amazing evidence-based practice research trials. And that’s what this advanced MI course is all about! Fidelity through practice!