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Smith SS, Jorenby DE, Fiore MC, Anderson JE, Mielke MM, Beach KE, Piasecki TM, Baker TB. Strike while the iron is hot: Can stepped-care treatments resurrect relapsing smokers?. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2001 [cited *12];69:429-439. Available from:
Holstad MM, DiIorio C, Magowe MK. Motivating HIV positive women to adhere to antiretroviral therapy and risk reduction behavior: The KHARMA Project. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing [Internet]. 2006 ;11:5. Available from:
LaBrie JW, Pedersen ER, Earleywine M, Olsen H. Reducing heavy drinking in college males with the decisional balance: Analyzing an element of motivational interviewing. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2006 [cited 1];31:254-263. Available from:
Long CG, Jones K. Issues in running smoking cessation groups with forensic psychiatric inpatients: Results of a pilot study and lessons learnt. British Journal of Forensic Practice [Internet]. 2005 ;7:22-28. Available from: URL:
Clark M, Hampson SE. Implementing a psychological intervention to improve lifestyle self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes. Patient Education and Counseling [Internet]. 2001 [cited *1];42:247-256. Available from:
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Britt E, Blampied NM. Motivational interviewing training: A pilot study of the effects on practitioner and patient behaviour. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2010 ;38:239-244. Available from:
Martin G, Copeland J. The adolescent cannabis check-up: Randomized trial of a brief intervention for young cannabis users. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];34:407-414. Available from:
Yonkers KA, Howell HB, Allen AE, Ball SA, Pantalon MV, Rounsaville BJ. A treatment for substance abusing pregnant women. Archives of Women's Mental Health [Internet]. 2009 [cited 1];12:221-227. Available from:
West DS, Dilillo V, Bursac Z, Gore SA, Greene PG. Motivational interviewing improves weight loss in women with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];30:1081-1087. Available from:
Tober G, Godfrey C, Parrott S, Copello A, Farrin A, Hodgson R, Kenyon R, Morton V, Orford J, Russell I, et al. Setting standards for training and competence: The UK alcohol treatment trial. Alcohol and Alcoholism [Internet]. 2005 ;40:413-418. Available from:
Cook PF, McCabe MM, Emiliozzi S, Pointer L. Telephone nurse counseling improves HIV medication adherence: An effectiveness study. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3];20:316-325. Available from:
McCambridge J, Strang J. Development of a structured generic drug intervention model for public health purposes: A brief application of motivational interviewing with young people. Drug and Alcohol Review [Internet]. 2003 ;22:391-399. Available from:
Feldstein Ewing SW, LaChance HA, Bryan A, Hutchison KE. Do genetic and individual risk factors moderate the efficacy of motivational enhancement therapy? Drinking outcomes with an emerging adult sample. Addiction Biology [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];14:356-365. Available from:
Ahluwalia JS, Okuyemi K, Nollen N, Choi WS, Kaur H, Pulvers K, Mayo MS. The effects of nicotine gum and counseling among African American light smokers: A 2 x 2 factorial design. Addiction [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];101:883-891. Available from:
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Stevens VJ, Glasgow RE, Hollis JF, Mount K. Implementation and effectiveness of a brief smoking-cessation intervention for hospital patients. Medical Care [Internet]. 2000 [cited *1];38:451-459. Available from:
Okuyemi KS, Thomas JL, Hall S, Nollen NL, Richter KP, Jeffries SK, Caldwell AR, Ahluwalia JS. Smoking cessation in homeless populations: A pilot clinical trial. Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];8:689-699. Available from:
Treasure JL, Katzman M, Schmidt U, Troop N, Todd G, de Silva P. Engagement and outcome in the treatment of bulimia nervosa: First phase of a sequential design comparing motivation enhancement therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy. Behavior Research and Therapy [Internet]. 1999 [cited *1];37:405-418. Available from:
Rohsenow DJ, Monti PM, Martin RA, Colby SM, Myers MG, Gulliver SB, Brown RA, Mueller TI, Gordon A, Abrams DB. Motivational enhancement and coping skills training for cocaine abusers: Effects on substance use outcomes. Addiction [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];99:862-874. Available from:
Naar-King S, Wright K, Parsons JT, Frey M, Templin T, Lam P, Murphy D. Healthy choices: Motivational enhancement therapy for health risk behaviors in HIV-positive youth. AIDS Education and Prevention [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];18:1-11. Available from:


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