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Baker A, Lee NK, Claire M, Lewin TJ, Grant T, Pohlman S, Saunders JB, Kay-Lambkin F, Constable P, Jenner L, et al. Brief cognitive behavioural interventions for regular amphetamine users: A step in the right direction. Addiction [Internet]. 2005 [cited *1];100:367-378. Available from:
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Martin JE, Sihn EP. Motivational interviewing: Applications to Christian therapy and church ministry. Journal of Psychology and Christianity [Internet]. 2009 ;28:71-77. Available from:
Mantler T, Irwin JD, Morrow D. Assessing motivational interviewing through co-active life coaching tools as a smoking cessation intervention: A demonstration study. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1];8:49-63. Available from:
Croissant B, Hupfer K, Loeber S, Mann K, Zober A. Long-term follow-up on alcohol use in a big company after brief intervention by a company physician [Längsschnittuntersuchung alkoholauffälliger Mitarbeiter in einem Großbetrieb nach werksärztlicher Kurzintervention]. Der Nervenarzt [Internet]. 2008 [cited 1];79:80-85. Available from: 10.1007/s00115-007-2275-3
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Flaherty LT. What's old is new: Motivational interviewing for adolescents. In: Flaherty LT Adolescent psychiatry. Adolescent psychiatry. New York, NY: Analytic Press; 2008. pp. 117-127. Available from:
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