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van Weel-Baumgarten E. Patient-centered information and interventions: Tools for lifestyle change? Consequences for medical education. Family Practice [Internet]. 2008 ;25:i67-i70. Available from:
Feldstein SW, Ginsburg JID. Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' rolling with resistance: Motivational interviewing in juvenile justice settings. In: Springer DW, Roberts AR Handbook of forensic mental health with victims and offenders: Assessment, treatment, and research. Handbook of forensic mental health with victims and offenders: Assessment, treatment, and research. New York, NY: Springer; 2007. pp. 247-271. Available from:
Larimer ME, Cronce JM. Identification, prevention, and treatment revisited: Individual-focused college drinking prevention strategies 1999-2006. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2007 ;32:2439-2468. Available from: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2007.05.006
Stein MD, Herman DS, Anderson BJ. A trial to reduce hepatitis C seroincidence in drug users. Journal of Addictive Diseases [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];28:389-398. Available from:
Cordova JV, Warren LZ, Gee CB. Motivational interviewing as an intervention for at-risk couples. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy [Internet]. 2001 [cited 4];27:315-326. Available from:
Martin JE, Sihn EP. Motivational interviewing: Applications to Christian therapy and church ministry. Journal of Psychology and Christianity [Internet]. 2009 ;28:71-77. Available from:
primary care setting
Glynn LH, Levensky ER. Promoting treatment adherence using motivational interviewing: Guidelines and tools. In: James LC, O'Donohue WT The primary care toolkit: Practical resources for the integrated behavioral care provider. The primary care toolkit: Practical resources for the integrated behavioral care provider. New York, NY: Springer; 2009. pp. 199-231. Available from:


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