Primary care physicians' discussions of weight-related topics with overweight and obese adolescents: Results from the Teen CHAT Pilot Study

TitlePrimary care physicians' discussions of weight-related topics with overweight and obese adolescents: Results from the Teen CHAT Pilot Study
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsPollak, KI, Alexander, SC, Østbye, T, Lyna, P, Tulsky, JA, Dolor, RJ, Coffman, C, Brouwer, RNJ, Esoimeme, I, Manusov, JRE, Bravender, T
JournalJournal of Adolescent Health
PublisherElsevier Science
Place PublishedNetherlands
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number1054-139X
Accession Number2009-11466-017. First Author & Affiliation: Pollak, Kathryn I.
KeywordsAdolescent Development, Body Weight, Counseling, discussions, motivational interviewing, obese adolescents, Obesity, overweight adolescents, Physicians, primary care physicians, Primary Health Care, teen chat, Therapeutic Processes, weight-related topics

Physicians should counsel overweight adolescents about nutrition and exercise. We audio recorded 30 physician–adolescent encounters. Female, older, normal-weight physicians and pediatricians were more Motivational Interviewing (MI) adherent. When physicians used MI skills, patients increased exercise, lost weight, and reduced screen time. Physicians should use MI techniques to help adolescents change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)

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