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Ogedegbe G, Chaplin W, Schoenthaler A, Statman D, Berger D, Richardson T, Phillips E, Spencer J, Allegrante JP. A practice-based trial of motivational interviewing and adherence in hypertensive African Americans. American Journal of Hypertension [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];21:1137-1143. Available from:
Tollison SJ, Lee CM, Neighbors C, Neil TA, Olson ND, Larimer ME. Questions and reflections: The use of motivational interviewing microskills in a peer-led brief alcohol intervention for college students. Behavior Therapy [Internet]. 2008 ;39:183-194. Available from:
Hardcastle S, Taylor A, Bailey M, Castle R. A randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness of a primary health care based counselling intervention on physical activity, diet and CHD risk factors. Patient Education and Counseling [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];70:31-39. Available from:
McCambridge J, Slym RL, Strang J. Randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing compared with drug information and advice for early intervention among young cannabis users. Addiction [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];103:1809-1818. Available from:
Petry NM, Weinstock J, Ledgerwood DM, Morasco B. A randomized trial of brief interventions for problem and pathological gamblers. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];76:318-328. Available from:
Resnicow K, Davis RE, Zhang G, Konkel J, Strecher VJ, Shaikh AR, Tolsma D, Calvi J, Alexander G, Anderson JP, et al. Tailoring a fruit and vegetable intervention on novel motivational constructs: Results of a randomized study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine [Internet]. 2008 [cited *5];35:159-169. Available from:
Bennett JA, Young HM, Nail LM, Winters-Stone K, Hanson G. A telephone-only motivational intervention to increase physical activity in rural adults: A randomized controlled trial. Nursing Research [Internet]. 2008 [cited *3];57:24-32. Available from: URL:
DiIorio C, McCarty F, Resnicow K, Mcdonnell Holstad M, Soet J, Yeager K, Sharma SM, Morisky DE, Lundberg B. Using motivational interviewing to promote adherence to antiretroviral medications: A randomized controlled study. AIDS Care [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];20:273-283. Available from: URL:
Rosengren DB, Hartzler B, Baer JS, Wells EA, Dunn CW. The video assessment of simulated encounters-revised (VASE-R): reliability and validity of a revised measure of motivational interviewing skills. Drug and Alcohol Dependence [Internet]. 2008 ;97:130-138. Available from:
van Keulen HM, Mesters I, Brug J, Ausems M, Campbell M, Resnicow K, Zwietering PJ, van Breukelen G, van Mechelen W, Severens JL, et al. Vitalum study design: RCT evaluating the efficacy of tailored print communication and telephone motivational interviewing on multiple health behaviors. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2008 [cited *35];8:216. Available from:
Kia-Keating M, Brown SA, Schulte MT, Monreal TK. Adolescent satisfaction with brief motivational enhancement for alcohol abuse. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research [Internet]. 2009 [cited 2];36:385-395. Available from:
Schuckit MA. Alcohol-use disorders. Lancet [Internet]. 2009 ;373:492-501. Available from:
Cimini MD, Martens MP, Larimer ME, Kilmer JR, Neighbors C, Monserrat JM. Assessing the effectiveness of peer-facilitated interventions addressing high-risk drinking among judicially mandated college students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Supplement [Internet]. 2009 [cited *2];16:57-66. Available from:
Petry NM, Weinstock J, Morasco BJ, Ledgerwood DM. Brief motivational interventions for college student problem gamblers. Addiction [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];104:1569-1578. Available from:
Loxterkamp D. A change will do you good. Annals of Family Medicine [Internet]. 2009 ;7:261-263. Available from: URL:
Kay-Lambkin FJ, Baker AL, Lewin TJ, Carr VJ. Computer-based psychological treatment for comorbid depression and problematic alcohol and/or cannabis use: A randomized controlled trial of clinical efficacy. Addiction [Internet]. 2009 [cited *15];104:378-388. Available from:
Tevyaw TO'L, Colby SM, Tidey JW, Kahler CW, Rohsenow DJ, Barnett NP, Gwaltney CJ, Monti PM. Contingency management and motivational enhancement: A randomized clinical trial for college student smokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];11:739-749. Available from:
Baker A, Richmond R, Castle D, Kulkarni J, Kay-Lambkin F, Sakrouge R, Filia S, Lewin TJ. Coronary heart disease risk reduction intervention among overweight smokers with a psychotic disorder: Pilot trial. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2009 [cited 1];43:129-135. Available from:
Gaume J, Gmel G, Faouzi M, Daeppen JB. Counselor skill influences outcomes of brief motivational interventions. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2009 ;37:151-159. Available from:
Stuckey HL, Dellasega C, Graber NJ, Mauger DT, Lendel I, Gabbay RA. Diabetes nurse case management and motivational interviewing for change (DYNAMIC): Study design and baseline characteristics in the chronic care model for type 2 diabetes. Contemporary Clinical Trials [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];30:366-374. Available from:
Walters ST, Vader AM, Harris RT, Field CA, Jouriles EN. Dismantling motivational interviewing and feedback for college drinkers: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2009 ;77(1):64-73.
Walters ST, Vader AM, Harris TR, Field CA, Jouriles EN. Dismantling motivational interviewing and feedback for college drinkers: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];77:64-73. Available from:
Feldstein Ewing SW, LaChance HA, Bryan A, Hutchison KE. Do genetic and individual risk factors moderate the efficacy of motivational enhancement therapy? Drinking outcomes with an emerging adult sample. Addiction Biology [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];14:356-365. Available from:
Cabezas C, Martin C, Granollers S, Morera C, Ballve JL, Zarza E, Blade J, Borras M, Serra A, Puente D. Effectiveness of a stepped primary care smoking cessation intervention (ISTAPS study): Design of a cluster randomised trial. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];9:48. Available from:
Wolfers ME, de Wit JB, Hospers HJ, Richardus JH, de Zwart O. Effects of a short individually tailored counselling session for HIV prevention in gay and bisexual men receiving Hepatitis B vaccination. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];9:255. Available from:


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