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Opheim A, Andreasson S, Eklund AB, Prescott P. The effects of training medical students in motivational interviewing. Health Education Journal [Internet]. 2009 ;68:170-178. Available from: URL:
Evangeli M, Engelbrecht S-K, Swartz L, Turner K, Forsberg L, Soka N. An evaluation of a brief motivational interviewing training course for HIV/AIDS counsellors in Western cape Province, South Africa. AIDS Care [Internet]. 2009 ;21:189-196. Available from:
Evangeli M, Engelbrecht S-K, Swartz L, Turner K, Forsberg L, Soka N. An evaluation of a brief motivational interviewing training course for HIV/AIDS counsellors in Western cape Province, South Africa. AIDS Care [Internet]. 2009 ;21:189-196. Available from:
Landback J, Prochaska M, Ellis J, Dmochowska K, Kuwabara SA, Gladstone T, Larson J, Stuart S, Gollan J, Bell C, et al. From prototype to product: Development of a primary care/internet based depression prevention intervention for adolescents (CATCH-IT). Community Mental Health Journal [Internet]. 2009 ;45:349-354. Available from:
Ruger JP, Emmons KM, Kearney MH, Weinstein MC. Measuring the costs of outreach motivational interviewing for smoking cessation and relapse prevention among low-income pregnant women. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth [Internet]. 2009 ;9:46. Available from:
Ondersma SJ, Winhusen T, Erickson SJ, Stine SM, Wang Y. Motivation enhancement therapy with pregnant substance-abusing women: Does baseline motivation moderate efficacy?. Drug and Alcohol Dependence [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];101:74-79. Available from:
Wade TD, Frayne A, Edwards SA, Robertson T, Gilchrist P. Motivational change in an inpatient anorexia nervosa population and implications for treatment. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];43:235-243. Available from:
Enea V, Dafinoiu I. Motivational/solution-focused intervention for reducing school truancy among adolescents. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies [Internet]. 2009 [cited *2];9:185-198. Available from:
Jansink R, Braspenning J, van der Weijden T, Niessen L, Elwyn G, Grol R. Nurse-led motivational interviewing to change the lifestyle of patients with type 2 diabetes (MILD-project): Protocol for a cluster, randomized, controlled trial on implementing lifestyle recommendations. BMC Health Services Research [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];9. Available from:
Pollak KI, Alexander SC, Østbye T, Lyna P, Tulsky JA, Dolor RJ, Coffman C, Brouwer RNJ, Esoimeme I, Manusov JRE, et al. Primary care physicians' discussions of weight-related topics with overweight and obese adolescents: Results from the Teen CHAT Pilot Study. Journal of Adolescent Health [Internet]. 2009 ;45:205-207. Available from:
Pollak KI, Alexander SC, Ostbye T, Lyna P, Tulsky JA, Dolor RJ, Coffman C, Namenek Brouwer RJ, Esoimeme I, Manusov JR, et al. Primary care physicians' discussions of weight-related topics with overweight and obese adolescents: Results from the Teen CHAT Pilot study. Journal of Adolescent Health [Internet]. 2009 [cited 1];45:205-207. Available from:
Simpson SA, Butler CC, Hood K, Cohen D, Dunstan F, Evans MR, Rollnick S, Moore L, Hare M, Bekkers MJ, et al. Stemming the tide of antibiotic resistance (STAR): A protocol for a trial of a complex intervention addressing the 'why' and 'how' of appropriate antibiotic prescribing in general practice. BMC Family Practice [Internet]. 2009 ;10:20. Available from:
Simpson SA, Butler CC, Hood K, Cohen D, Dunstan F, Evans MR, Rollnick S, Moore L, Hare M, Bekkers MJ, et al. Stemming the tide of antibiotic resistance (STAR): A protocol for a trial of a complex intervention addressing the 'why' and 'how' of appropriate antibiotic prescribing in general practice. BMC Family Practice [Internet]. 2009 ;10:20. Available from:
Cook PF, McCabe MM, Emiliozzi S, Pointer L. Telephone nurse counseling improves HIV medication adherence: An effectiveness study. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3];20:316-325. Available from:
Karatay G, Kublay G, Emiroğlu ON. Effect of motivational interviewing on smoking cessation in pregnant women. Journal of Advanced Nursing [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1];66:1328-1337. Available from:
Macgowan MJ, Engle B. Evidence for optimism: Behavior therapies and motivational interviewing in adolescent substance abuse treatment. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America [Internet]. 2010 ;19:527-545. Available from:
Walters ST, Vader AM, Nguyen N, Harris RT, Eells J. Motivational interviewing as a supervision strategy in probation: A randomized effectiveness trial. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation [Internet]. 2010 [cited *1];49:309-323. Available from:
Golin CE, Davis RA, Przybyla SM, Fowler B, Parker S, Earp J, Quinlivan BE, Kalichman SC, Patel SN, Grodensky CA. SafeTalk, a multicomponent, motivational interviewing-based, safer sex counseling program for people living with HIV/AIDS: A qualitative assessment of patients’ views. AIDS Patient Care and STDs [Internet]. 2010 ;24:237-245. Available from:


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