
MattOrr's picture

MI Trainer Presentation

Business Information
Business name: 
Dept of Family & Preventive Medicine
Address line 1: 
USC School of Medicine
Address line 2: 
3209 Colonial Drive
South Carolina
Postcode/zip code: 
United States
Contact Information
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More About Me

About Me

I believe whole-heartedly in the power of language and the impact that a brief empathic conversation can have on one's decision-making and performance. This has been affirmed for me everyday in my work as a teacher, therapist, and coach.  I am passionate about helping individuals, teams, and organziations develop a culture of excellence wherein they are able to reach their goals, achieve success and experience fulfillment. And a rich dose of "flow" every now and then is nice, if it's not too much to ask.

Trainer Statement

My focus is helping to promote behavioral change and performance enhancement in any health care, organizational, or team environment at all levels of experience - professional or  layperson; beginning, intermediate, or advanced. That MI is defined as "a particular style of conversation" and acknowledges that we endeavor to influence people toward change says it all to me. Language matters. Empathy matters. Compassion heals. Whether people try to climb their mountains and how they do it is up to them, not us. At the same time, we can help them climb and make it that much more likey that they make it to the top.

It has been my experience and it is my belief that the spirit and skills inherent in MI are useful in any form of person-centered communication and can be effective in any context from health care to business to sports to schools to corrections.

Training Interests
Health behavior change counseling; Brief interventions in primary care; Team development, Sport & performance enhancement; Organizational & professional development; Coaching & Supervision
Training language 1: 


Member for
10 years 4 months
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