
KerryKrause's picture

MI Trainer Presentation

Learning Experience Designer
Business Information
United States
Contact Information
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More About Me

About Me

I consider myself to be a lifelong learner and student.  I've tried to live by the mindset that it's not all that important to be the smartest person in the room (check the ego at the door); instead, I try to be one of the more curious. I live life by looking through a lens of curiosity and maintaining openness to others' thoughts, ideas, experiences, and perspectives in order to help myself learn something new. This mindset has allowed me to connect to people in training in a deep and meaningful way. I am not an expert in the front of the room that gets to tell you what to do and how/why you should learn; rather, I am there to help set aside time for professional development and facilitate learning in a space where everyone in the room has something meaningful and valuable to offer. Through thought-provoking discussion and practice, we can all learn something new together. In my personal life, I'm a mom of two young boys. They tend to keep me and my partner on our toes. We live in Denver Colorado and love to head up to the mountains whenever we can to explore the outdoors!  

Service Information
Services offered: 
Introductory Training
Intermediate training
Advanced training
Training for Groups
Area of practice: 
Criminal Justice
Mental Health
Organisational Change
Trainer Statement

I'm a Learning Experience Designer; with 8 years of practical application in developing, designing, and facilitating learning, both in-person and virtually. I've been a member of MINT since 2018. I can navigate the intricacies of instructional design methods to create content that helps learners grow new skills for new situations. I can offer all-day in-person MI trainings, or I can customize to offer mini-trainings virtually that are broken down into smaller learning events. I am an experienced MI coach and MI coder (MITI) and enjoy engaging with people in whatever way they like to learn!

Training Interests
Criminal Justice, Behavioral Health
Training language 1: 


Member for
5 years 10 months
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