I am a former Midwife and then retrained as a Behavioural Psychologist. I have extensive experience working in the public health and social care field for the past 18 years. I have been delivering training in Motivational Interviewing nationally and internationally since 2004 and am absolutely passionate about MI as an approach to supporting and exploring the concept of change, both on a micro and macro level. I am the Director of the National Centre for Behaviour Change, am a lecturer at London South Bank University and deliver 1:1 clinic specialising in anxiety, depression and addictions on top of our training and consultancy work.
As a trainer I like to use a variety of different training methods and I see my role to faciliate further learning and exploration of Motivational Interviewing as an approach to use in practice in a safe, enjoyable and paced way. I'm adaptable in my approach and love working with all different professionals and am able to produce all our evaluations and testimonials to evidence our successful practice. We work all over the country as well as deliver work internationally too. So if you'd like more information either on myself or our training/consultancy please feel free to call on the details provided or visit www.ncbc-uk.com