
JudithCarpenter's picture

MI Trainer Presentation

Registered Dietitian
Business Information
Business name: 
Optimal Change
United Kingdom
Contact Information
Email address: 
Telephone number: 
+44 (0)7817 756663
Mobile number: 
+44 (0)7817 756663

More About Me

About Me

I  work as an MI trainer and also part-time as a dietitian in diabetes care. As a Registered Dietitan I have worked in the NHS in England for over 30 years. I  opened my own training consultancy Optimal Change in 2007 which includes both Motivational Interviewing and Nutrition & Dietetics. My clinical expertise includes diabetes, obesity, long term condition management and eating disorders. I have trained extensively in all health care settings for well over a 20 years. I also deliver trainings in other areas including substance misuse, youth offending,education and employment. I have enjoyed training MI since 2000 when I became a member of MINT . I train both in the UK as well as internationally.
I am passionate about the role of Motivational Interviewing within health and social care. I am actively involved in MINT, currently I chair the UK and Ireland MINT Chapter. Previously I served as the Events Coordinator organising MINT's annual International meeting and I served on the MINT Board of Directors for over 4 years until 2013. I was also fortunate to be a TNT trainer in Atlanta in 2014 and in Chicago in 2022. 

Service Information
Services offered: 
Introductory Training
Intermediate training
Advanced training
Training for Groups
Area of practice: 
Trainer Statement

I offer MI training at all levels, from short "What is MI" sessions to 2-3 day workshops. I have experience of working with organisations on a long term basis, integrating MI  by supporting staff to learn MI through coaching and supervision, as well as delivering one off training's. I am a MITI coder and trainer and provide coaching in MI as well. My passion is to support individuals and organisations to utilise and be effective at using MI as an approach within their work.

Training Interests
Health Care, Primary Care,lifestyle interventions, Long- Term Conditions management (Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease), Obesity,Nurtition & Dietetics, Eating Disorders, adults and paediatrics
Training language 1: 


Member for
13 years 11 months
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