
BukkyKolawole's picture

MI Trainer Presentation

Clinical Psychologist
Business Information
Business name: 
Relationship HQ
Address line 1: 
1384 Broadway Suite 1006
New York
New York
Postcode/zip code: 
United States

More About Me

About Me

Dr. Bukky is a licensed clinical psychologist.  She is also the founder of Dr. Bukky & Associates (soon to be known as Relationship HQ), an innovative practice focused on enhancing individuals and their intimate and professional relationships.  She is an adjunct clinical assistant professor at New York University (NYU) Department of Population Health, through which she delivered trainings to professionals in a variety of settings on a range of topics including Motivational Interviewing.  Dr. Bukky has clinical and research interests in the application of Motivational Interviewing across a variety of settings including health care, schools, criminal justice and correctional settings, enhancement of intimate relationships through experiential approaches, couple's therapy, emotionally focused therapy for couples, clinical work with under-served populations and multiculturalism in patient-care.

Dr. Bukky completed her doctoral internship in clinical psychology at New York City’s renowned Bellevue Hospital, and received her doctoral degree (PsyD) in clinical psychology from Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus.  Dr. Bukky is committed to supporting and empowering individuals, couples, families, and professionals to build strong and positive relationships that will enable them to reach their fullest potential in their personal and professional lives.

Service Information
Services offered: 
Introductory Training
Intermediate training
Advanced training
Training for Groups
Area of practice: 
Criminal Justice
Mental Health
Organisational Change
Trainer Statement

Dr. Bukky would describe Motivational Interviewing as an approach that literally changed who she is as a human being.  It has influenced all aspects of her life including the way she engages as a trainer, facilitator, clinician, friend, and wife.  Given the privilege of membership in MINT, she is passionate about introducing others to MI and guiding them in their learning.  If there was only one thing Dr. Bukky was purposed to do in life as a professional, it is delivering trainings.  She has a strong value for collaboration and committed to facilitating trainings that are inspiring, dynamic and effective.  She believes that adult learning experiences should be filled with evidence-based information in addition to experiential activities that are fun and evoke powerful emotions, which enable learning and growth.  She is also dedicated to helping organizations identify a sustainable plan for implementaion and retention of learning.  

Training Interests
Mental health, School/Educational setting, Health behavior change, Lifestyle changes, Addictions, Corrections/criminal justice, Health-care, Peer, DV/partner violence, Addiction, Groups, Coaching & Supervision, Implementation and Sustainability planning
Training language 1: 


Member for
12 years 2 weeks
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