Japanese version of "QPR Guidelines for Professionals (QPR Institute)"


Our MIBC team (Motivational Interviewing for Bereavement Care) has been discussing the feasibility for us to use MI for suicide postvention. In the process, some members including me are discussing the feasibility of a combination of MI and QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer).

We believe that now is the time to bring together our knowledge and experience in this field.

Especially, in this pandemic, the risks of increasing suicide rates are already pointed out (2020)*1.

This fact that COVID-19 brought us means that our network members also have the risk of facing suicide in any country.

The necessity of early intervention in the aftermath of suicide is already pointed out by Edwin Sheidman (1993)*2.

From these perspectives, this document that Paul Quinnett gave me the permission to translate to share for all is important.

First, I translated it into Japanese, my native language.

If someone finds mistranslations from the original, please let me know as soon as possible. I will fix them.

I hope that this document file will be helpful for all when we try to commit suicide postvention.

*1  Devitt P. (2020). Can we expect an increased suicide rate due to Covid-19? Irish journal of psychological medicine, 37(4), 264–268. https://doi.org/10.1017/ipm.2020.46)

*2  Suicide as Psychache - A Clinical Approach to Self-Destructive Behavior, Edwin Sheidman, 1993

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