Event Listing

E.g., 06/16/2024
18 Jun 2019 - 8:30am to 19 Jun 2019 - 4:00pm
Details: Therapeutic groups can be as effective as individual services for many problems.  But succcessfully facilitating groups can be challenging. Groups are often at risk of becoming dull affairs...
17 Aug 2018 - 10:00am
Details: This workshop is for professionals who already practice MI skills in their work. Participants in this training will have the opportunity to discuss their clinical challenges, to receive feedback on...
27 Jun 2018 - 8:45am to 29 Jun 2018 - 4:45pm
Details: 3-day Introductory Intensive Motivational Interviewing (MI), first described by William Miller (1983), and later elaborated in the classic book—Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change...
19 Jun 2020 - 2:00pm
Details: A Facilitator led online Motivational Interviewing Introduction level course run through Zoom. This course will be run over four Fridays 2- 5pm GMT starting Friday 19th of June 2020....
20 May 2021 - 10:00am
Details: An online course consisting of two half days, (3 hours) to develop your understanding of Mindfulness and how it can improve your listening, empathy and compassion to support the therapeutic...


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