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Rollnick S, Butler CC, Kinnersley P, Gregory J, Mash B. Motivational interviewing. British Medical Journal [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1];340:c1900. Available from:
Stein MD, Herman DS, Anderson BJ. A motivational intervention trial to reduce cocaine use. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];36:118-125. Available from:
Carter AL, Wilber C, Sahl R. Motivational interviewing techniques and the harm-reduction model in a short-term substance-abuse group for adolescents with psychiatric problems. Connecticut medicine [Internet]. 2005 ;69:519-524. Available from:
Moyers TB, Rollnick S. A motivational interviewing perspective on resistance in psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2002 ;58:185-193. Available from:
Steinberg ML, Ziedonis DM, Krejci JA, Brandon TH. Motivational interviewing with personalized feedback: A brief intervention for motivating smokers with schizophrenia to seek treatment for tobacco dependence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];72:723-728. Available from:
Bechdolf A, Pohlmann B, Geyer C, Ferber C, Klosterkotter J, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E. [Motivational interviewing for patients with comorbid schizophrenia and substance abuse disorders: A review]. Fortschritte der Neurologie-Psychiatrie [Internet]. 2005 ;73:728-735. Available from:
Carroll KM, Farentinos C, Ball SA, Crits-Christoph P, Libby B, Morgenstern J, Obert JL, Polcin D, Woody GE. MET meets the real world: Design issues and clinical strategies in the Clinical Trials Network. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2002 [cited *1];23:73-80. Available from:
Swanson AJ, Pantalon MV, Cohen KR. Motivational interviewing and treatment adherence among psychiatric and dually diagnosed patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease [Internet]. 1999 [cited 1];187:630-635. Available from:
Tevyaw TO'L, Monti PM. Motivational enhancement and other brief interventions for adolescent substance abuse: Foundations, applications and evaluations. Addiction [Internet]. 2004 ;99:63-75. Available from:
Resnicow K, Jackson A, Wang T, De AK, McCarty F, Dudley WN, Baranowski T. A motivational interviewing intervention to increase fruit and vegetable intake through Black churches: Results of the eat for life trial. American Journal of Public Health [Internet]. 2001 [cited *3];91:1686-1693. Available from:
DiClemente CC, Bellino LE, Neavins TM. Motivation for change and alcoholism treatment. Alcohol Research and Health [Internet]. 1999 ;23:86-92. Available from:
Duran LS. Motivating health: Strategies for the nurse practitioner. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners [Internet]. 2003 ;15:200-205. Available from:
Beckham N. Motivational interviewing with hazardous drinkers. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];19:103-10. Available from:
Wilhelm SL, Stepans MB, Hertzog M, Rodehorst TK, Gardner P. Motivational interviewing to promote sustained breastfeeding. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];35:340-348. Available from:
Hecht J, Borrelli B, Breger RK, DeFrancesco C, Ernst D, Resnicow K. Motivational interviewing in community-based research: Experiences from the field. Annals of Behavioral Medicine [Internet]. 2005 ;29:29-34. Available from:
Miller WR. Motivational interviewing and the incredible shrinking treatment effect. Addiction [Internet]. 2005 ;100:421. Available from:
Easton C, Swan S, Sinha R. Motivation to change substance use among offenders of domestic violence. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2000 [cited *2];19:1-5. Available from:
Konkle-Parker DJ. A motivational intervention to improve adherence to treatment of chronic disease. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners [Internet]. 2001 ;13:61-68. Available from:
West DS, Dilillo V, Bursac Z, Gore SA, Greene PG. Motivational interviewing improves weight loss in women with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];30:1081-1087. Available from:
*Nurse's Role
Beckham N. Motivational interviewing with hazardous drinkers. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];19:103-10. Available from:


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