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Patient Care Planning
Sousa S. The LORS-enabled dialogue: Improving insight in psychotic illnesses. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services [Internet]. 2008 ;46:44-51. Available from:
Patient Care Team
Horsfall J, Cleary M, Hunt GE, Walter G. Psychosocial treatments for people with co-occurring severe mental illnesses and substance use disorders (dual diagnosis): A review of empirical evidence. Harvard Review of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2009 ;17:24-34. Available from:
RachBeisel J, Scott J, Dixon L. Co-occurring severe mental illness and substance use disorders: A review of recent research. Psychiatric Services [Internet]. 1999 ;50:1427-1434. Available from:
Naar-King S, Lam P, Wang B, Wright K, Parsons JT, Frey MA. Brief report: Maintenance of effects of motivational enhancement therapy to improve risk behaviors and HIV-related health in a randomized controlled trial of youth living with HIV. Journal of Pediatric Psychology [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];33:441-445. Available from:
BIEN TH, Miller WR, Tonigan JS. Brief interventions for alcohol problems: A review. Addiction [Internet]. 1993 ;88:315-335. Available from:
Burke PJ, Da Silva JD, Vaughan BL, Knight JR. Training high school counselors on the use of motivational interviewing to screen for substance abuse. Substance Abuse [Internet]. 2005 ;26:31-34. Available from:
Patient Compliance
Glynn LH, Levensky ER. Promoting treatment adherence using motivational interviewing: Guidelines and tools. In: James LC, O'Donohue WT The primary care toolkit: Practical resources for the integrated behavioral care provider. The primary care toolkit: Practical resources for the integrated behavioral care provider. New York, NY: Springer; 2009. pp. 199-231. Available from:
Berg-Smith SM. Practical strategies for motivating diabetes-related behaviour change. International Journal of Clinical Practice [Internet]. 2004 ;58:49-52. Available from: URL:
Stephens RS, Roffman RA, Fearer SA, Williams C, Burke RS. The marijuana check-up: Promoting change in ambivalent marijuana users. Addiction [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];102:947-957. Available from:
Erickson SJ, Gerstle M, Feldstein SW. Brief interventions and motivational interviewing with children, adolescents, and their parents in pediatric health care settings: A review. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine [Internet]. 2005 ;159:1173-1180. Available from:
Golin CE, Earp J, Tien HC, Stewart P, Porter C, Howie L. A 2-arm, randomized, controlled trial of a motivational interviewing-based intervention to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) among patients failing or initiating ART. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];42:42-51. Available from:
Maher L. Motivational interviewing: What, when, and why Kushner PR, Levinson W, Miller WR. Patient Care [Internet]. 1998 ;32:55-56. Available from:
Viner RM, Christie D, Taylor V, Hey S. Motivational/solution-focused intervention improves HbA1c in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes: A pilot study. Diabetic Medicine [Internet]. 2003 [cited *2];20:739-742. Available from:
Smith DE, Heckemeyer CM, Kratt PP, Mason DA. Motivational interviewing to improve adherence to a behavioral weight-control program for older obese women with NIDDM. A pilot study. Diabetes Care [Internet]. 1997 [cited *1];20:52-54. Available from:
Martino S, Ball SA, Nich C, Frankforter TL, Carroll KM. Community program therapist adherence and competence in motivational enhancement therapy. Drug and Alcohol Dependence [Internet]. 2008 ;96:37-48. Available from:
Rüsch N, Corrigan PW. Motivational interviewing to improve insight and treatment adherence in schizophrenia. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal [Internet]. 2002 ;26:23-32. Available from:


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