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Rubel EC, Sobell LC, Miller WR. Do continuing education workshops improve participants' skills? Effects of a motivational interviewing workshop on substance-abuse counselors' skills and knowledge. Behavior Therapist [Internet]. 2000 ;23:73-77, 90. Available from:
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Bennett JA, Lyons KS, Winters-Stone K, Nail LM, Scherer J. Motivational interviewing to increase physical activity in long-term cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial. Nursing Research [Internet]. 2007 [cited *13];56:18-27. Available from:
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Miller NH. Motivational interviewing as a prelude to coaching in healthcare settings. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing [Internet]. 2010 ;25:247-251. Available from:
Periasamy S. The relationship between the fidelity of motivational interviewing and nutritional outcomes in African American church populations. 2005 .
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