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Hospitalized Patients
MacPherson L, Strong DR, Kahler CW, Abrantes AM, Ramsey SE, Brown RA. Association of post-treatment smoking change with future smoking and cessation effects among adolescents with psychiatric comorbidity. Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];9:1297-1307. Available from:
Berman AH, Forsberg L, Durbeej N, Källmén H, Hermansson U. Single-session motivational interviewing for drug detoxification inpatients: Effects on self-efficacy, stages of change and substance use. Substance Use and Misuse [Internet]. 2010 [cited *1];45:384-402. Available from:
Lopez-Bushnell K, Fassler C. Nursing care of hospitalized medical patients with addictions. Journal of Addictions Nursing [Internet]. 2004 ;15:177-182. Available from:
Santa Ana EJ. Efficacy of group motivational interviewing (GMI) for psychiatric inpatients with chemical dependence. 2005 [cited *2].
Colby SM, Monti PM, Barnett NP, Rohsenow DJ, Weissman K, Spirito A, Woolard RH, Lewander WJ. Brief motivational interviewing in a hospital setting for adolescent smoking: A preliminary study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 1998 [cited *1];66:574-578. Available from:
Monti PM, Barnett NP, Colby SM, Gwaltney CJ, Spirito A, Rohsenow DJ, Woolard R. Motivational interviewing versus feedback only in emergency care for young adult problem drinking. Addiction [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];102:1234-1243. Available from:
Santa Ana EJ, Wulfert E, Nietert PJ. Efficacy of group motivational interviewing (GMI) for psychiatric inpatients with chemical dependence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2007 [cited *2];75:816-822. Available from:
Winickoff JP, Hillis VJ, Palfrey JS, Perrin JM, Rigotti NA. A smoking cessation intervention for parents of children who are hospitalized for respiratory illness: The stop tobacco outreach program. Pediatrics [Internet]. 2003 [cited 13];111:140-145. Available from:
Schermer CR, Moyers TB, Miller WR, Bloomfield LA. Trauma center brief interventions for alcohol disorders decrease subsequent driving under the influence arrests. Journal of Trauma [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];60:29-34. Available from:
Brown RA, Ramsey SE, Strong DR, Myers MG, Kahler CW, Lejuez CW, Niaura R, Pallonen UE, Kazura AN, Goldstein MG, et al. Effects of motivational interviewing on smoking cessation in adolescents with psychiatric disorders. Tobacco Control [Internet]. 2003 [cited *1];12:iv3-iv10. Available from:
homework tasks
Musser PH, Semiatin JN, Taft CT, Murphy CM. Motivational interviewing as a pregroup intervention for partner-violent men. In: Murphy CM, Maiuro RD Motivational interviewing and stages of change in intimate partner violence. Motivational interviewing and stages of change in intimate partner violence. New York, NY: Springer; 2009. pp. 61-88. Available from:


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