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Kiene SM, Barta WD. A brief individualized computer-delivered sexual risk reduction intervention increases HIV/AIDS preventive behavior. Journal of Adolescent Health [Internet]. 2006 [cited *5];39:404-410. Available from:
Battjes RJ, Gordon MS, O'Grady KE, Kinlock TW, Katz EC, Sears EA. Evaluation of a group-based substance abuse treatment program for adolescents. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2004 [cited *2];27:123-134. Available from:
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O'Leary TA, Brown SA, Colby SM, Cronce JM, D'Amico EJ, Fader JS, Geisner IM, Larimer ME, Maggs JL, McCrady B, et al. Treating adolescents together or individually? Issues in adolescent substance abuse interventions. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research [Internet]. 2002 [cited *1];26:890-899. Available from:
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Bell KR, Temkin NR, Esselman PC, Doctor JN, Bombardier CH, Fraser RT, Hoffman JM, Powell JM, Dikmen S. The effect of a scheduled telephone intervention on outcome after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: A randomized trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation [Internet]. 2005 [cited *3];86:851-856. Available from:
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Groeneveld IF, Proper KI, van der Beek AJ, van Duivenbooden C, van Mechelen W. Design of a RCT evaluating the (cost-) effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention for male construction workers at risk for cardiovascular disease: The health under construction study. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2008 [cited *13];8. Available from:
Colby SM, Monti PM, Tevyaw TO'L, Barnett NP, Spirito A, Rohsenow DJ, Riggs S, Lewander W. Brief motivational intervention for adolescent smokers in medical settings. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2005 [cited *1];30:865-874. Available from:
Glasgow RE, Whitlock EP, Eakin EG, Lichtenstein E. A brief smoking cessation intervention for women in low-income planned parenthood clinics. American Journal of Public Health [Internet]. 2000 [cited *13];90:786-789. Available from:
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Tevyaw TO'L, Monti PM. Motivational enhancement and other brief interventions for adolescent substance abuse: Foundations, applications and evaluations. Addiction [Internet]. 2004 ;99:63-75. Available from:
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