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Knight JR, Sherritt L, Van Hook S, Gates EC, Levy S, Chang G. Motivational interviewing for adolescent substance use: A pilot study. Journal of Adolescent Health [Internet]. 2005 [cited 1];37:167-169. Available from:
Johnston BD, Rivara FP, Droesch RM, Dunn C, Copass MK. Behavior change counseling in the emergency department to reduce injury risk: A randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics [Internet]. 2002 [cited *1];110:267-274. Available from:
Santa Ana EJ, Wulfert E, Nietert PJ. Efficacy of group motivational interviewing (GMI) for psychiatric inpatients with chemical dependence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2007 [cited *2];75:816-822. Available from:
Barnet B, Liu J, DeVoe M, Duggan AK, Gold MA, Pecukonis E. Motivational intervention to reduce rapid subsequent births to adolescent mothers: A community-based randomized trial. Annals of Family Medicine [Internet]. 2009 [cited *15];7:436-445. Available from:
Haug NA, Svikis DS, Diclemente C. Motivational enhancement therapy for nicotine dependence in methadone-maintained pregnant women. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];18:289-292. Available from:
Osborne TL, Raichle KA, Jensen MP. Psychologic interventions for chronic pain. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America [Internet]. 2006 ;17:415-433. Available from:
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Harding R, Dockrell MJ, Dockrell J, Corrigan N. Motivational interviewing for HIV risk reduction among gay men in commercial and public sex settings. AIDS Care [Internet]. 2001 ;13:493-501. Available from:
Masterman PW, Kelly AB. Reaching adolescents who drink harmfully: Fitting intervention to developmental reality. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment [Internet]. 2003 ;24:347-355. Available from:
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Musser PH, Murphy CM. Motivational interviewing with perpetrators of intimate partner abuse. Journal of Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2009 ;65:1218-1231. Available from:
Hulse GK, Tait RJ. Six-month outcomes associated with a brief alcohol intervention for adult in-patients with psychiatric disorders. Drug and Alcohol Review [Internet]. 2002 [cited *1];21:105-112. Available from:
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Knight KM, McGowan L, Dickens C, Bundy C. A systematic review of motivational interviewing in physical health care settings. British Journal of Health Psychology [Internet]. 2006 ;11:319-332. Available from:
Wilhelm SL, Stepans MB, Hertzog M, Rodehorst TK, Gardner P. Motivational interviewing to promote sustained breastfeeding. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];35:340-348. Available from:
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Stuckey HL, Dellasega C, Graber NJ, Mauger DT, Lendel I, Gabbay RA. Diabetes nurse case management and motivational interviewing for change (DYNAMIC): Study design and baseline characteristics in the chronic care model for type 2 diabetes. Contemporary Clinical Trials [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];30:366-374. Available from:


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