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Family Practice
Simpson SA, Butler CC, Hood K, Cohen D, Dunstan F, Evans MR, Rollnick S, Moore L, Hare M, Bekkers MJ, et al. Stemming the tide of antibiotic resistance (STAR): A protocol for a trial of a complex intervention addressing the 'why' and 'how' of appropriate antibiotic prescribing in general practice. BMC Family Practice [Internet]. 2009 ;10:20. Available from:
Clifton P, Colquhoun D, Hewat C, Jones P, Litt J, Noakes M, O'Brien R, Shrapnel B, Skeaff M. Dietary intervention to lower serum cholesterol. Australian Family Physician [Internet]. 2009 ;38:424-429. Available from:
Koelewijn-van Loon MS, van Steenkiste B, Ronda G, Wensing M, Stoffers HE, Elwyn G, Grol R, van der Weijden T. Improving patient adherence to lifestyle advice (IMPALA): A cluster-randomised controlled trial on the implementation of a nurse-led intervention for cardiovascular risk management in primary care (protocol). BMC Health Services Research [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];8. Available from:
Soria R, Legido A, Escolano C, Lopez Yeste A, Montoya J. A randomised controlled trial of motivational interviewing for smoking cessation. British Journal of General Practice [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];56:768-774. Available from:
Botelho RJ, Novak S. Dealing with substance misuse, abuse, and dependency. Primary Care [Internet]. 1993 ;20:51-70. Available from:
Jansink R, Braspenning J, van der Weijden T, Niessen L, Elwyn G, Grol R. Nurse-led motivational interviewing to change the lifestyle of patients with type 2 diabetes (MILD-project): Protocol for a cluster, randomized, controlled trial on implementing lifestyle recommendations. BMC Health Services Research [Internet]. 2009 [cited *1];9. Available from:
Family Relations
O'Leary CC. The early childhood family check-up: A brief intervention for at-risk families with preschool-aged children. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. 2001 [cited *4].
Family Therapy
Bukstein OG, Horner MS. Management of the adolescent with substance use disorders and comorbid psychopathology. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America [Internet]. 2010 ;19:609-623. Available from:
Barrowclough C, Haddock G, Tarrier N, Lewis SW, Moring J, O'Brien R, Schofield N, McGovern J. Randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing, cognitive behavior therapy, and family intervention for patients with comorbid schizophrenia and substance use disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2001 [cited *14];158:1706-1713. Available from:
Nock MK, Kazdin AE. Randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention for increasing participation in parent management training. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2005 [cited *1];73:872-879. Available from:
Irby M, Kaplan S, Garner-Edwards D, Kolbash S, Skelton JA. Motivational interviewing in a family-based pediatric obesity program: A case study. Families, Systems, and Health [Internet]. 2010 ;28:236-246. Available from:
Deas D, Clark A. Current state of treatment for alcohol and other drug use disorders in adolescents. Alcohol Research and Health [Internet]. 2009 ;32:76-82. Available from: URL:


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