
TipenePickett's picture

MI Trainer Presentation

Motivational Interviewing Trainer and Alcohol and Drug Counsellor
Business Information
Business name: 
Kotuku Training Ltd
Address line 1: 
12/171 Tamaki Drive, Auckland
Address line 2: 
Postcode/zip code: 
New Zealand

More About Me

About Me

Ki te taha o toku Whaea (On my Mothers side I descend from)

Ko Nga Ngaru a Te Huki te Maunga (The Waves of Te Huki is my Mountain)

Ko Waihua te Awa (The Fruit of the Water is my River)

Ko Kahungunu te Iwi (Kahungunu is my Tribe)

Ko Kurahikakawa te Hapu (Kurahikakawa is my Sub-Tribe)\

Ko Waihua te Marae (Fruits of the Water is the name of my Marae)

Ko Takitimu to waka (Takitimu is my Ancestral Canoe)

Ko Tamaki Ariki Nui te Tangata (Tamaki Ariki Nui is the Chief of my Ancestral Canoe)

Ko Mere Koti toku Tupuna (Mere Koti is my Ancestress)

Ki te taha o toku Matua - Rawiri Pickett - No Tiamana ia (On my Fathers side I am of German Ancestry)

Ko Tipene Pickett toku Ingoa (Tipene Pickett is my name)

Trainer Statement

I've been an MI practitioner since 2002.  I attended my first Train the Trainers (TNT) in 2010 in New Zealand under the tutelage of Dr Steve Martino and Dr Joel Porter.  In 2013, I attended my MINT TNT training in Krakow, Poland.

Since 2010 I've been contracted by Matua Raki - New Zealands Addiction Workforce Development Organisation - to provide MI training for Maori (Indigenous peoples of New Zealand) and Pacific Island alcohol and drug agencies - both Governmental and Non Governmental Organisations.  I've a passion for the relationship between Tikanga (the protocols, worldviews and practices) of my Maori ancestry and it's relationship the the conversation, spirit and influence MI has within the context of being Maori - in effect how MI is Tikanga consistent.  I've presented at the ISMI in 2012 on this subject and continue to refine and develop this coversation with the help of many Kaumatua (Elders) and Tohunga (Specialists) with whom I consult and who have an interest in how Mi can influence the healing journey of Maori reclaiming their Mana (inherent influence) and Tapu (absolute worth with the knowledge of being an eternal spiritual being having a human experience with the knowledge of creation and being a creator instilled within oneself).

I'm also involved in the development of an MI proficient workforce for the governmental organisation the Waitemata District Health Board as weell as a number of Non Governmental Organisations with varying focuses such and New Zealand Hepatitis Foundation, Northland Health Breast Screening programme, Workwise (helping people re-enter the workforce).  

It's a great pleasure to be able to provide training in the way the evidence would suggent is most effective in ensuring the attainment and maintenance of MI proficient practitioners.  

Training Interests
Training language 1: 


Member for
10 years 12 months
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