
LisaArdner's picture

MI Trainer Presentation

Addictions Therapist, Healthcare Professional, Trauma Specialist, Recovery Coach, Educator and Professional Trainer
Business Information
Business name: 
A Purpose 4 Life, LLC
Address line 1: 
PO Box 13
New York
Postcode/zip code: 
United States
Contact Information
Email address: or
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More About Me

About Me

Lisa Ardner is a Certified MINT trainer and owner of a small women-owned business, A Purpose 4 Life, LLC which specializes in professional development and continuing education training in evidence-based and evidence-informed practices as well as hope, relationship, and recovery coaching and professional development curriculum design and consultation.  Lisa is a NYS Master CASAC (Credentialed Alcohol and Substance  Abuse Counselor) and CARC (Certified Addiction Recovery Coach). Lisa has been a Member of the MINT since 2018.  Since 2014, Lisa has been a Therapist II at Crouse Health Addiction Treatment Services Outpatient Clinic.  Lisa has worked extensively with pregnant women in substance use treatment and is a trainer in the NYS Plan of Safe Care program.  Lisa was a former member of the Crouse Human Trafficking Taskforce and liaison for Onondaga County Family Treatment Court and Human Trafficking Court.  Lisa served on the Crouse Health Professional Development Committee for over a decade.  Lisa has extensive experience facilitating weekly groups using motivational interviewing.  She is an Advanced Trainer in the Nurtured Heart Approach and parent coach since 2011.  Lisa is a member of a local CNY Motivational Interviewing Learning Collaborative in Onondaga County which focuses on promoting and implementing sustainability of Motivational Interviewing in agencies throughout New York State. Lisa facilitates a Motivational Interviewing Community Coaching Practice group monthly to advance MI skills and confidence in MI. Lisa is passionate about Motivational Interviewing in Groups and facilitates weekly outpatient therapy groups using motivational interviewing.  Lisa has been working in the field of substance use disorder for decades and is passionate to integrate Trauma Responsive Care, the Nurtured Heart Approach and Motivational Interviewing in Addiction Treatment. She is passionate to facilitate transformation, hope and healing in the lives of her patients.  Lisa is also active in Family Engagement in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and a integral member of sustaining a Celebrating Families® program offering hope, help and wholeness to families with loved ones in addiction.  She has her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services specializing in Trauma and Addiction Studies. Since 2014, Lisa was an in-service trainer at Crouse Health on topics of Motivational Interviewing, Cultural Competency, Professional Wellness, Trauma Informed Care, Trauma Responsiveness, Nurtured Heart Approach, SBIRT, Embracing Families in SUD Recovery and Group Therapy.  Lisa has a Master of Arts in Adult Learning, emphasizing Professional Development and Trauma Responsive Care for Healthcare Professionals.  Lisa is an Adjunct Instructor at SUNY Empire State University. Lisa is best known for interactive, experiential, safe, trauma responsive learning environment and compassionate engagement with others.

Service Information
Services offered: 
Introductory Training
Intermediate training
Advanced training
Training for Groups
Area of practice: 
Criminal Justice
Mental Health
Organisational Change
Trainer Statement

Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Motivational Interviewing, Motivational Interviewing in Groups, Coaching and Skill Building Groups, Trauma Responsiveness, Professional Wellness, Vicarious Trauma and Resilience, Compassion Matters, Grief and Loss, SBIRT

Monthly Community Practice Group open to all interested 

Virtual and In Person Group trainings in the fields of education, human resources, criminal justice, healthcare, behavioral health/addiction treatment 

Training Interests
healthcare, addiction treatment, substance use, recovery, hope/relationship coaching, mental health and trauma responsive practices
Training language 1: 


Member for
5 years 12 months
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