
GlennHinds's picture

MI Trainer Presentation

Independent Social Worker and Accredited Counsellor
Business Information
Business name: 
Glenn Hinds Motivation & Coaching Consultants Co. Ltd.
Address line 1: 
77 Great James Street
Postcode/zip code: 
United Kingdom
Contact Information
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More About Me

About Me

I am one of only a few UK full-time Motivational Interviewing trainers and have worked across the UK and Ireland as well as the United States delivering workshops to health and social care practitioners from statutory and community organisations. I am trained in person centred and psychodynamic counselling and worked as a drug therapist and senior social work practitioner in mental health and alcohol and drug services between 1990 and 2008 (HSC Trusts), as well as offering voluntary 1-1 and group counselling to adult survivors of sexual abuse (Nexus Institute). I have been training multidisciplinary and multi-sector staff in Motivational Interviewing, Drug and Alcohol Awareness and Interventions and Understanding and Responding to Stress and Anxiety since 1997. I completed training in Motivational Enhancement Therapy and have made a research visit to University of Texas Houston to study Group Work Interventions using The Transtheoretical Model of Change and Motivational Interviewing. I was trained to offer training in ‘The Therapeutic Uses of Motivational Interviewing’ by Professor William Miller in Crete Greece 2003 and ‘The Use of Motivational Interviewing in Primary Care’ by Professor Steve Rollnick in Portland USA 2004. I also completed Motivational Interviewing Training Integrity (MITI) training in March 2006 and Motivational Interviewing Supervisory Training (MIST) with Professor Miller and Dr. Terri Moyers in Albuquerque January 2007.

Service Information
Services offered: 
Introductory Training
Intermediate training
Advanced training
Training for Groups
Area of practice: 
Criminal Justice
Mental Health
Organisational Change
Trainer Statement

How successful I am as a trainer will be your decision, my task is therefore to meet your needs in a manner that suits you. I offer best practice training consistent with the spirit of MI, guiding you towards understanding and meaningful interventions with your clients.

Training Interests
Health Behaviour Change; Substance Use; Family Support; Community Practitioners; Staff Wellbeing; Personal Development;
Training language 1: 


Member for
13 years 5 months
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