I am the Founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Individual and Organizational Change (www.ifioc.com). My trainings align with the Evidence-Based Practice implementation of MI (https://motivationalinterviewing.org/implementing-motivational-interviewing), and range from brief overview trainings through coaching to measurable competency and cultural shift in organizations. I am the lead author of the Motivational Interviewing Competency Assessment (MICA) for coding and coaching individual practitioners. My clinical work launched in 1987 as a case manager/therapist in child welfare/treatment foster care and in a sexually aggressive/reactive youth treatment program. I have worked as an outpatient therapist with substance use disorder adolescents and their families, and as a SUD/MH treatment provider for adult inmates in both state and federal prisons. From 1997 through 2011, I worked for the Washington Institute for Mental Health Research and Training through Washington State University, as the Director of Training and Technical Assistance, as well as a primary consultant to the Washington State Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery headquarters. I have been training on Motivational Interviewing since 2002, and have been part of MINT since completing the training with Bill Miller and Terri Moyers in 2008, and completed my MI trainer certification process when it was first offered. Over the years I have provided over 3000 trainings nationally and internationally to individual agencies and government organizations including healthcare, mental health, substance use disorder treatment, child and family services, law enforcement, corrections, employment services, state departments of Social and Health Services, juvenile justice, homeless outreach and shelters, and schools/universities.