
In the first video of this highly acclaimed series,Core Concepts, expert MI trainer and practitioner Cathy Cole first introduces the foundational principles; then numerous demonstrations and exercises, including actual session excerpts with Bill Miller, will allow you to practice MI techniques. Each subsequent video focuses on demonstrating, through a series of vignettes, various MI strategies applied to different stages of change.
The client sessions in each video occur in a diverse range of settings, from mandated substance abuse counseling to healthcare, schools, EAP and beyond. Increasing Importance addresses how to help clients who are unsure whether change is even desirable. Resolving Ambivalence tackles a central issue in MI—dealing with clients who haven’t decided which choice is the right one. And Building Confidence focuses on the helping clients trust their own ability to enact the desired change.
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on Fri, 05/04/2012 - 20:52 CathyCole