Identification and treatment of alcohol use disorders in older adults

TitleIdentification and treatment of alcohol use disorders in older adults
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsFleming, MF
EditorGurnack, AM, Atkinson, R, Osgood, NJ
Book TitleTreating alcohol and drug abuse in the elderly
Place PublishedNew York, NY
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0-8261-1434-2
KeywordsAlcohol Abuse, Alcohol Rehabilitation, Alcoholism, brief intervention, Geriatric Patients, identification of alcohol use disorders in elderly patients, motivational interviewing, pharmacology, psychopharmacology

(from the chapter) The goal of this chapter is to provide a summary of screening, assessment, and treatment methods for the care of older adults drinking above recommended levels of alcohol use. Unless otherwise stated the information is based on studies conducted with adults over the age of 65 and help to clarify the state of knowledge about the prevention and treatment of alcohol use disorders in this population. Case examples are used to illustrate major points. The chapter is divided into 7 sections: epidemiology and health effects, types of older drinkers, the new public health paradigm, identification, brief intervention, motivational interviewing, and pharmacology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) (chapter)

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