Intermediate/Advanced Online P. Warren Feedback & Refinement

MI Practitioners Group - Feedback & Refinement

This MI practice group is for individuals with established knowledge and experience practicing Motivational Interviewing,

Purpose: The purpose of this practice community is to provide an intentionally supportive space to practice Motivational Interviewing, with the option to receive feedback on practice strengths and opportunities for MI practice refinement.

Duration: Each of the eight scheduled sessions is 90 minutes in length.

Group Structure: Each 90-minute group includes 60-minutes dedicated to practicing MI and the opportunity to offer and receive feedback. The remaining 30 minutes focuses on group reflection and consolidation of learning and/or discussion focused on an MI practice topic, and preparation for the next group meeting.

A Note about Feedback: All feedback is at the decision of the group member(s) who ‘practiced’ during the session. When feedback is requested, the group will start with sharing the observed strengths and efforts. At the behest and specific invitation of the session practitioner(s), refinement feedback will be kindly offered for consideration.

Group Guidelines:

Maintain focus on the group purpose, and the group structure. 

Offer kindness and respect to myself and fellow group members.

Build group safety and maintain confidentiality.

Harm not the group, or any member thereof.

Adopt a ‘learner’ stance/heart.

Think of the group and then myself.

Group Member Commitments:

  • I will make every effort to attend ‘all’ of the eight scheduled group meetings.
  • I will inform Brandon & Paul in advance, via email, if I am unable to attend a group meeting.
  • I will make every effort to complete any pre-group activities.
  • I will follow the feedback structure and guidelines.
  • I will, through my presence, insight, and vulnerability, support my own growth and the growth of fellow group members.
  • I will establish and sustain group safety by taking risks and respecting the confidentiality of the group and every member of the group.
  • I will remain focused on the purpose and maintain the structure of the group.

MPG Group Scheduled Meetings & Meeting Time 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM ET:

February, 21

March, 7 & 21

April, 11 & 25

May, 9 & 23

June, 13

Cost: $300.00 due prior to the first group (See above). Please note a minimum of eight registered participants are required for the group to go forward, with a maximum of ten. A Waiting List will be created in the event of high registration.

Registration: contact

Category title: 
Event language: 
Official event: 
Eight session MI Practice Group
21 Feb 2025 - 10:30am
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