What's So Great About Motivational Interviewing? An Overview
December 4, 2020
Approved for 3 General hours by LCA & 3 Clinical hours by LABSWE
Motivational interviewing is an evidence-based practice effective with many populations, settings, and targeted diagnoses. This workshop will provide an introduction to the key concepts and components of the approach and include specific selected strategies to elicit change talk, respond to sustain talk, and develop problem recognition. Approaches to developing collaborative change plans will be introduced.
Learning Objectives
1.Gain basic understanding of the concepts and principles that define the approach (motivational interviewing)
2.Identify modalities, target populations and target behaviors where motivational interviewing has been studied and demonstrated evidence to support its use.
3.Learn specific strategies to elicit change talk, respond to sustain talk, and begin to develop discrepancy (toward problem recognition)
4.Learn approaches to develop collaborative change plans