Intermediate, Supervision/Coaching and Coding Online A. Fahey

MI Skills Clinic Virtual Format Mar 3-10-17-25, 2025/ 

Learning MI happens in stages. After an initial Basics training, learners may want a booster to enhance skills. This two hour session is designed to  update and boost other Motivational Interviewing learning experiences and is ideal for health and behavioral workers guides and supervisors. Emphasis is on practice, developing proficiency and  real world adaptation to cases settings and diverse populations.  The design is intended for those who want to enhance and develop the  elements of a fully realized MI practice and especially for those who want to jumpstart into MI or  may have a leadership or supervisor role. Using practice opportunities and case consultation, we will work through difficult presentations and stuck places. 

 Observed MI practice & coaching with feedback is recognized in research as the best practice method for creating full implementation culture change to MI as well as a higher level of confidence in the skills (Miller, W. R., et al., 2004 Fixsen, D. L. , et al., 2009). These segments will focus on skill building and ways of sharing  MI skills in work settings for the self and in others. Flexible proficiency is the goal. Learners will also come away with ideas for guiding and teaching others. Participants will spend time on what makes it MI and gain valuable skills for evaluation of their own practice and also guiding others to exceeding baselines.  

Sample Topics:

Practice in the technical and relational skills of Motivational Interviewing

Accommodations to populations and settings

A learning environment guided by the spirit and foundations of MI, and an instructor who models the method

Competencies and strategies to use with difficult  client  situations.

 Full Implementation and development of skills proficiency standards

Person Centered Ethics

Motivational Interviewing Decision Rules

Manager and supervisor guidance for complex

Adpating MI to settings and populations & systems

Individual group & team practice

Observed practice and coaching practice with feedback

MI coding and proficiency basics

Future Learning plans


Contact Annie Fahy 949 280 8378/ for details and registration.


Image icon Making MI Fun since 20041.17 MB
PDF icon Meet Your Trainer46.49 KB
Category title: 
Supervision and coaching
Event language: 
MI Intermediate Skills
25 Mar 2025 - 2:30pm to 4:00pm
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