Readiness, importance, and confidence: Critical conditions of change in treatment

TitleReadiness, importance, and confidence: Critical conditions of change in treatment
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsRollnick, S, Miller, WR, Heather, N
Book TitleTreating addictive behaviors
Series TitleApplied clinical psychology
PublisherPlenum Press
Place PublishedNew York, NY
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0-306-45852-7
Accession Number1998-06419-004
Keywordsaddiction, behavior change, Client Attitudes, Client Characteristics, readiness & importance & confidence as critical conditions of change in treatment, patients with addictions, Treatment

(from the chapter) This chapter addresses the following question: What are the critical psychological processes that promote behavior change? It begins with the concept of readiness and a critical examination of the alluring idea that treatments for addictions can be matched to the stage of change of the individual. The author argues that matching should be more loosely defined as a process of maintaining congruence in a consultation with the person's feelings and perceptions of change. Doing this in practice often leads to questions such as, "Why do people say they are at a particular stage of change?" and "What topic should I focus on?" In answer to these questions, the author points to 2 general themes: the perceived importance of change and the perceived confidence to achieve it. The relevance of these 2 constructs varies across stages. They are well grounded in current models of behavior change, and they are discussed in most forms of treatment. Taken together, the 3 concepts of readiness, importance, and confidence provide a framework for understanding the critical conditions of change in treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) (chapter)

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