Preliminary feasibility and efficacy of a brief motivational intervention with psychophysiological feedback for cocaine abuse

TitlePreliminary feasibility and efficacy of a brief motivational intervention with psychophysiological feedback for cocaine abuse
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsStotts, AL, Potts, GF, Ingersoll, G, George, MR, Martin, LE
JournalSubstance Abuse
PublisherHaworth Press
Place PublishedUS
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0889-70771547-0164
Accession Number2007-05985-002. First Author & Affiliation: Stotts, Angela L.
KeywordsAt Risk Populations, Biological Markers, Brief motivational intervention, cocaine, cocaine abuse, Efficacy, feasibility, Feedback, interviews, Motivation Training, motivational interviewing, psychophysiological feedback, Psychophysiology, Risk, Test Validity

Motivational interviewing (MI) with personalized feedback, particularly related to biological markers of risk or harm, has been found effective for alcohol use disorders, but has not been fully investigated in cocaine use disorders. A randomized, controlled pilot study evaluating the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a brief MI intervention using EEG/ERP graphical feedback for cocaine abusers was conducted. Treatment-seeking cocaine abusers (N = 31) were randomly assigned to a two-session MI intervention or a minimal control condition. All participants received EEG assessments at intake and post-treatment. Results indicated that the MI intervention was feasible and the subjective impact of the EEG feedback was positive. Significant group differences in percentage of cocaine positive urine screens across the study were found, favoring the MI group; 84.9% for the control group and 62.6% in the MI group, p < .05. Further research must determine the specific conditions under which MI is most appropriate and efficacious. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)

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