Postmodern strategies for working with resistance: Problem resolution or self-revolution?

TitlePostmodern strategies for working with resistance: Problem resolution or self-revolution?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsFrankel, Z'ev, Levitt, H
JournalJournal of Constructivist Psychology
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number1072053715210650

Theoretical conceptualizations of resistance to change and working strategies to address resistance are reviewed within six contemporary postmodern psychotherapies: relational psychoanalytic therapy, personal construct psychotherapy, process-experiential psychotherapy, depth-oriented brief therapy, narrative therapy, and motivational interviewing. These therapies are positioned along a continuum spanning self-revolution and problem resolution strategies for treating resistance. The article reviews empirical findings on treatments for resistance using these strategies. An in-depth understanding of resistance is offered, identifying commonalities that appear to unite postmodern approaches, and differences that might guide therapists' selective utilization of these strategies. Suggestions for future constructivist research on resistance also are provided.

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