Motivational interviewing: A review

TitleMotivational interviewing: A review
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsBritt, E, Blampied, N, Hudson, S
JournalAustralian Psychologist
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number0005006717429544

There has been considerable interest shown in motivational interviewing (MI), since Miller (1983) initially presented it as an alternative and potentially more effective way of working with problem drinkers, particularly those individuals who may have been perceived as being resistant or in denial. This interest has included developing specific interventions using MI, and extending its use beyond alcohol abuse to a range of problem behaviours, including other mental health problems (e.g., eating disorders) and health problems (e.g., diabetes). The current paper provides an overview of Ml - its development, theoretical basis, and applications. Research on its efficacy is reviewed, and recommendations are made for future research.

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