Motivational interviewing and the prevention of HIV among adolescents

TitleMotivational interviewing and the prevention of HIV among adolescents
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsBrown, LK, Lourie, KJ
EditorMonti, PM, Colby, SM, O'Leary, TA
Book TitleAdolescents, alcohol, and substance abuse: Reaching teens through brief interventions
PublisherGuilford Press
Place PublishedNew York, NY
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number1-57230-658-0
Keywordsadolescent sexual behavior, HIV, HIV prevention interventions, interviewing, Motivation, motivational interviewing, prevention, Psychosexual Behavior

(from the chapter) Reviews program elements that are routinely utilized by HIV prevention interventions in order to highlight their similarities with and differences from motivational interviewing. Clinical case studies are used during brief clinical encounters with adolescents to illustrate the application of motivational techniques in order to encourage safer sexual behavior. In addition, the processes of change that stimulate motivation to change, as developed by J. Prochaska (1989), are illustrated in case vignettes. Last, the authors discuss specific issues concerning adolescent development, culture, psychological impairment, and intervention format as they relate to motivational techniques for adolescent sexual behavior change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) (chapter)

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