The men's domestic abuse check-up: A protocol for reaching the nonadjudicated and untreated man who batters and who abuses substances

TitleThe men's domestic abuse check-up: A protocol for reaching the nonadjudicated and untreated man who batters and who abuses substances
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsRoffman, RA, Edleson, JL, Neighbors, C, Mbilinyi, L, Walker, D
JournalViolence Against Women
Date PublishedMay
Publication Languageeng
ISBN Number1077-8012 (Print)1077-8012 (Linking)
Accession Number18408174
Keywords*Practice Guidelines as Topic, *Social Responsibility, Humans, Interpersonal Relations, Male, Patient Education as Topic/*standards, Patient Selection, Personality Assessment, Program Evaluation, Social Environment, Spouse Abuse/*diagnosis/rehabilitation, Substance Abuse Detection/*methods

Batterer intervention programs primarily work with individuals mandated to participate. Commonly, attrition is high and outcomes are modest. Motivational enhancement therapy (MET), most widely studied in the substance abuse field, offers a potentially effective approach to improving self-referral to treatment, program retention, treatment compliance, and posttreatment outcomes among men who batter and who abuse substances. A strategy for using a catalyst variant of MET (a "check-up") to reach untreated, nonadjudicated perpetrators is described in detail. Unique challenges in evaluating the success of this approach are discussed, including attending to victim safety and determining indicators of increased motivation for change.

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