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August JL, Flynn A. Applying stage-wise treatment to a mixed stage co-occurring disorders group. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2];10:53-63. Available from:
Baer JS, Beadnell B, Garrett SB, Hartzler B, Wells EA, Peterson PL. Adolescent change language within a brief motivational intervention and substance use outcomes. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2008 ;22:570-575. Available from: 10.1037/a0013022
Catley D, Harris KJ, Mayo MS, Hall S, Okuyemi KS, Boardman T, Ahluwalia JS. Adherence to principles of motivational interviewing and client within-session behavior. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2006 ;34:43-56. Available from:
Cloud RN, Besel K, Bledsoe L, Golder S, McKiernan P, Patterson D, Ziegler CH. Adapting motivational interviewing strategies to increase posttreatment 12-step meeting attendance. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly [Internet]. 2006 ;24:31-53. Available from:
Carey KB, Leontieva L, Dimmock J, Maisto SA, Batki SL. Adapting motivational interventions for comorbid schizophrenia and alcohol use disorders. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice [Internet]. 2007 ;14:39-57. Available from:


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